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How ranking works

We rank customer reviewers based on the opinions of customers like you. Each time you indicate that a customer review was helpful or not, we use that vote, along with votes from other customers, to determine how helpful a review is. A reviewer's rank is determined by the overall helpfulness of all their reviews, factoring in the number of reviews they have written.

We want our top reviewer rankings to reflect the best of our growing body of customer reviewers, so we look at these factors:

  • Review helpfulness plays an important part in determining rank. Writing thousands of reviews that customers don't find helpful won't move a reviewer up in the standings.
  • The more recently a review is written, the greater its impact on rank. This way, as new customers share their experiences with Amazon's ever-widening selection of products, they'll have a chance to be recognized as top reviewers.
  • We ensure that every customer's vote counts once. Multiple votes submitted by the same customer won't be counted.

We're proud of all our passionate customer reviewers and grateful for their investment of time and energy helping other Amazon customers.

Hall of Fame Reviewers

The Hall of Fame honours those reviewers who have reached the pinnacle of the rankings each year or have been specially honoured by Amazon for their long-term contributions to the community. This is a lifetime honour. Reviewers can achieve Hall of Fame recognition in multiple years. These reviewers represent the best.

Any reviewer who rises to the top 10 rank on Amazon, even for a day, will be recognised as a Hall of Fame reviewer for that year. They will receive a permanent Hall of Fame Reviewer badge and will be listed on the Hall of Fame page for life. Hall of Fame recognition can also be awarded to reviewers who have been consistently superb contributors for multiple years.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often are rankings updated?
The top reviewer list is updated once a day. New reviews and new helpfulness votes are factored in to each reviewers rank and the list changes accordingly. Since rankings are relative, it is entirely possible that someone can move up or down the rankings because of other reviewers’ activity.

Which top reviewers get a badge?
All Hall of Fame reviewers get a lifetime badge. If your current reviewer rank is 1000 or better, you will receive a top reviewer badge. There are six such badges: Top 1000 Reviewer, Top 500 Reviewer, Top 100 Reviewer, Top 50 Reviewer, Top 10 Reviewer and No. 1 Reviewer.

What if I don't want my name included in the top reviewer list?
The top reviewer list is our way of honouring the individuals whose reviews help make a great place to shop. However, if you'd rather not be featured as a top reviewer or Hall of Fame reviewer, no problem. Just contact us with your request and we will be sure to remove your name from both lists.

Where is the Classic Reviewer Rank?
It was replaced by the Hall of Fame. This recognition better reflects the magnitude of achievement of our best reviewers who have written so many high quality reviews over the years. We are humbled by the passion, time and energy these reviewers have dedicated.

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