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Customer Reviews

4.3 out of 5 stars114
4.3 out of 5 stars
Flavour: Cookies and CreamChange
Price:£40.75+ Free shipping with Amazon Prime
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9 of 9 people found the following review helpful
on 3 April 2013
Great taste and effects. I did put up 2 kg in 2 weeks. In the morning I drink with a water in evening with milk. Recommend for skinny people who try to put some weight up!
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13 of 14 people found the following review helpful
on 3 August 2013
Overall I would seriously rate this product, compared to other brands in this size the pricing is very reasonable, having been through many alternatives I definitely feel like I will be sticking with this for a while.

In terms of taste it can be very sweet and I have used the suggestion another review made about adding olive oil and oats to take some of that away, works well. I know some people find these shakes very rich but I have to say it's not unique to this brand because I have had much worse you just get used to it really.

On the subject of bloating; if you experience any bloating then why are you continuing to consume the full 4 scoops, to put it this way it is over 1000 calories which comparatively is an average fish and chips dinner, now imagine consuming that as a blended liquid of course it will bloat you, the reason you don't bloat on a dinner is because you eat slower. So do the same with your shake if you cannot handle it in one bash just take it easy or spread the 'dosage' out over the day.

Results: I would also have to say this is why I have stuck with this brand and have now had this for several months. I'm making some great Gains and am up to near 15st (95kg) from roughly 13St (83kg), I have a pretty balanced well rounded diet with those occasional cheat days.

Overall no matter what type of gainer you take if you want to look like a beast then act like it in the gym and make sure you eat like one (in a sensible healthy way). Ultimately this should only supplement a bulk not be the core of your calorie intake!

Hope you find this helpfull
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4 of 4 people found the following review helpful
on 5 July 2014
Great for putting on size and tastes amazing. Don't be surprised if you put on a little body fat as well though. 1000cals a shake is a large boost to any daily intake.
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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
on 26 January 2015
Very nice product for someone who wants to gain weight. Many ask if it builds muscle or something like that which is not actually how any food necessarily works. If you eat more calories than you burn only then can you gain weight, if its muscle or fat depends on how much more you eat and if you train your muscles. For me this product is a shortcut as otherwise I would need to be eating something all the time. Strawberry and banana is okay, but I think chocolate tastes better, others I have not tasted.

Generally I think in field of sports nutritions the marketing is very aggressive and thus often misleading. I don't think this product gives you anything that normal food can't, but it's just so convenient to drink it after a workout and not having to spend next moments thinking and preparing food.
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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful
on 20 May 2014
Delivery was brilliant, price is right, overall a great service from amazon as always. The shake it's self I'm on my second bag and I'm seeing that it's a great way to assist your bulking diet, obviously you still need 5-6 meals a day, never rely souly in a shake and complain when you don't look like arnie.
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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
on 11 April 2015
A friend tipped me off about this so thought I'd give it a try. I don't tend to stick to any one particular product and look for offers and what results I'm looking for at the time. I was surprised by the sheer volume of powder you get for your money so thought it wouldn't harm to give this a go at that price and I can honestly say I have been very impressed with it in every way. It tastes great. It mixes better than any other powder I've had before and after a few weeks I'm starting to see impressive results too. Therefore it is a bargain too. Highly recommended.
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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
on 29 October 2015
I gained 11lbs on this product in conjunction with my diet. Wow! Very impressed, great flavour, mixability and delivery time ! 26 servings for the price is very cost effective. Highly recommended.
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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
on 14 July 2015
Tasted horrible to the point where I had to mix cocoa powder in. I know its not all about taste but its unacceptable that I had to alter the taste myself when it boasts an 'addictive taste'.
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on 30 September 2015
Tastes ok, there are better tasting shakes on the market but none with the huge amount of carbs, protein ect. I would suggest using a shaker with a filter or ball in it to ensure a smooth drink. Also a large shaker 700ml plus as 2 scoops only just fits in never mind 4. Fast delivery and pleased with product. Does cause some stomach ache if drank to fast or too much to start with but eases quickly. Overall great shake and extra 1000 calories a day never hurt anyone, would recommend. Great for its money.
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on 5 February 2014
This is great have used it many times
It arrived very quick
I'm going back to this stuff
I thought I had flat lined in training and on this stuff but I had a few months no suppliments and had 6 months using usn pro bolic or the likes
And I had been loosing mass not through effort in the gym
I'm back
Had made some made gains in previous years using this
So having tried dozens of products I'm back to this
Will be using in cycles
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