Matthew Stoneman

"90's Guy"
90's Guy: New suit. New aquarium. Same old love of video games.
Top Reviewer Ranking: 1,728
Helpful votes received on reviews: 93% (400 of 432)
Location: North Devon, England
Birthday: 10 Jun
In My Own Words:
Hello there. Sorry for my lack of review writing action in recent months. I've been very busy with other things: work, computer courses and all that showbiz! Rest assured I still like writing reviews and I will post some new ones whenever I can. In the mean time, I encourage you to check out some of my older work. Have a nice day!

Video games, creative writing, football, music and running.


Top Reviewer Ranking: 1,728 - Total Helpful Votes: 400 of 432
Wario Land 4 (GBA) by Nintendo
Wario Land 4 (GBA) by Nintendo
Fancy getting your hands on some pyramid treasure, huh? I recall seeing a guy with that kind of mindset once. Benny I think his name was. He tried to steal a whole bunch of gold from a pyramid. He ended up triggering a trap and locking himself inside, and that was followed by the flame on his torch going out. I forget what happened to him after that. But back in 2001 Wario clearly hadn't heard about Benny, because Wario Land 4 for the Game Boy Advance involves a fair amount of raiding of the tombs. Sit down, Lara! This has nothing to do with you!

Storyline wise,… Read more
F-Zero: Maximum Velocity (GBA) by Nintendo
Coca-Cola Zero. Fanta Zero. Dr.Pepper Zero. Seems like there's a lot of products can be found with the word "zero" in it; and while F-Zero: Maximum Velocity for the Game Boy Advance isn't a product you can gulp down your drying throat on a hot summer's day in the Sahara Desert, it does possess the ability to quench your thirst for a sci-fi race...if you have a thirst for a sci-fi race that is.

There are 2-Player races available for those with access to a link cable, while Training allows you to get acquainted with the various tracks you'll come across in the game. However the main attraction is Grand Prix. Here the aim is to finish each race in the top three in order to move onto… Read more
Elegant Slumming ~ M People
Elegant Slumming ~ M People
4.0 out of 5 stars Elegant Listening, 18 May 2014
I've got a bit of a confession to make. When I first laid eyes on this, the second studio album from 90's house music band, M People, I misread the title. Instead of "Elegant Slumming" I thought it actually said "Elegant Stunning." Slightly embarrassing from my perspective; but the content of the ten tracks that are available to listen to here could be considered "stunning." I certainly liked it.

The album starts as it means to go on. High energy 90's disco; and you don't even need a dodgy white suit and hair style to strut to it. I find a casual jumper and jeans are sufficient enough. Anyway two of the best known tracks by M People open up the album - ONE NIGHT IN HEAVEN and… Read more