
Top Reviewer Ranking: 2,467
Helpful votes received on reviews: 82% (1,467 of 1,781)
Location: Leeds, UK


Top Reviewer Ranking: 2,467 - Total Helpful Votes: 1467 of 1781
Bio-mex Miracle Multi Surface Cleaner & Sponge 300&hellip by wimex
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Brilliant!, 17 Mar 2013
I've tried literally every other cleaner I could get my hands on to sort out my expensive Alessi hob top kettle and I can quite happily report that this actually works - it made light work of the grease and stains and the handy sponge that comes with it was abrasive enough to remove dirt but gentle enough not to scratch - I am very impressed! Mr Muscle, Cif and Astonish, step aside....
The Kitchen House by Kathleen Grissom
The Kitchen House by Kathleen Grissom
0 of 1 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Brilliant!, 17 Feb 2013
Customer review from the Amazon Vine Programme (What's this?)
KG's debut novel certainly packs a punch! This hugely enjoyable novel, set in the late 1700's, centres around Lavinia - an Irish orphan taken in and cared for by the Plantation workers of a wealthy Virginian family. The turn of the Century heralded many changes in US history but the days of white folk enslaving black people was in full swing and this story pitches the horrific pain of this era against a backdrop of community, love and hope. I love love loved this book and cannot praise the characterisation, the pace, the richness and depth of description applied to every aspect of it enough.
As Lavinia grows up, her voice becomes one almost of confusion as she struggles to find her… Read more
The Carrier (Culver Valley Crime) by Sophie Hannah
4 of 6 people found the following review helpful
3.0 out of 5 stars One book too many?, 7 Feb 2013
Customer review from the Amazon Vine Programme (What's this?)
I feel that SH may be heading down the same path as so many great authors before her - churning books out at a pace that actually aren't that good anymore! I can't stop myself from reading her novels but I honestly think I may have reached my peak with 'The Carrier'.
I'm bored of Charlie and Simon and Proust and their constant random references to life events I have no recollection of and this story, that should have been really rather impressive, got lost in all the superflous padding!
The premise was brilliant and the writing was as lyrical as ever but the story got lost in itself and I found myself speed reading simply to get through it.
Please return to the form of your… Read more

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