
russell clarke

Top Reviewer Ranking: 390
Helpful votes received on reviews: 83% (11,547 of 13,988)
Location: halifax, west yorks
In My Own Words:
"Of apple-picking; I am overtired " wrote Robert Frost once and that pretty much sums how i feel about reviewing at this moment in time.
I have had my fill for the moment of the pedants & the puntuation police but more to the point with summer on the way , or at least what passes for one on this godforsaken Island , i wish to spend more time doing other things rather than wringing my head for lit… Read more

Music, Literature, cinema and getting by with as little hassle and drama as possible. I Like to laugh and write and hope my writing expresses this though whether my laughing does is anybodys guess.


Top Reviewer Ranking: 390 - Total Helpful Votes: 11547 of 13988
The Shattered Crown (Steelhaven: Book Two) by Richard Ford
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
Customer review from the Amazon Vine Programme (What's this?)
Following on from the first of the trilogy �Herald Of The Storm� comes �The Shattered Crown �.
Steelhaven is soon to be besieged by a ravaging Khurta horde. The various occupants of the city have lot on their respective plates. But the danger is not only coming from outside the city�s towering walls. There is much to be wary of within Steelhaven itself.
Like the first novel in the trilogy �The Shattered Crown �has each chapter concentrate on a set of disparate characters that co-exist within the city. Certain characters inhabit the upper echelons of society while others inhabit the lower rungs , while others truly exist on the margins, members of secret cabals and religious… Read more
The Troop by Nick Cutter
The Troop by Nick Cutter
1 of 2 people found the following review helpful
Customer review from the Amazon Vine Programme (What's this?)
Or man messes about with nature�.yet again , and chaos reigns. Except in The Troop ,an errr troop of 14 year old scouts and their scout leader are trapped on a small island when�..lets just say for the sake of spoilers ,a contagion breaks out and things take a decided turn for the worst.
Of course that is not the only thing going on in this novel. There is the interaction between the boys themselves and how that affects the group dynamic. There is the one with the hair trigger temper, the more subdued, subservient one, the alpha male and then there is the one with the dead eyes and a history of torturing animals.
Add to the narrative are slipped in chapters that help explain… Read more
The Copper Promise (complete novel) by Jen Williams
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
Customer review from the Amazon Vine Programme (What's this?)
Originally released as four separate E novels The Cooper Promise has now been brought together in one 500 plus page volume to give satisfying , self effacing , sometimes highly original , addition to the crowded fantasy genre.
Aaron Frith, Lord of Blackwood is captured and tortured in order to obtain the highly secretive location of his now slaughtered family's vault. But he escape's and so seeks to explore an ancient Citadel that rumour has it, contains some long held power that will allow him to reclaim his rightful place on the throne of Blackwood.
Wydrin - the Copper Cat - is famed for her quick blades and sharp wit and burnished barnet, while Sir Sebastian Carverson wears… Read more

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