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About Fulfilled by Amazon

Items "Fulfilled by Amazon" are sold by a third party Seller, but dispatched to you from an Amazon Fulfilment Centre.

Items which are sold by Warehouse Deals are also labelled Fulfilled by Amazon. Warehouse Deals is a trading name for Amazon EU Sarl, and is part of the group.

All of our standard delivery rates and policies apply to these items, including FREE Super Saver Delivery on eligible items.

After you place an order, the carrier, dispatch date, and estimated delivery date for your parcel will be listed in Your Account and can be found in your dispatch confirmation e-mail. If you have a tracking or delivery confirmation number, you can track your parcel by clicking the "Track packages" link in Your Account.

Amazon also handles customer service and product returns for Fulfilled by Amazon items. If you need assistance, please visit our Help pages by clicking the word Help at the top of any page of our website. If you need a VAT invoice, you'll need to contact the Seller directly to ask for one.

Orders containing FBA items which are sold by third party Sellers can be delivered to the United Kingdom and destination countries supported by FBA export. Whether FBA export is supported remains at the discretion of the Seller. Please note that currently only media items (Books, Music , DVD and Video Games ) can be delivered outside the EU.

If you find that you need to return an FBA item visit our Online Returns Centre to get a return mailing label and return mailing authorisation. Please read Return Items You Ordered for more information.

Information on items Fulfilled By Amazon, including delivery, returns and requesting VAT invoices. Items Fulfilled by Amazon are dispatched from an Amazon Fulfilment Centre to you. All of our standard delivery rates and policies apply to these items, including FREE Super Saver Delivery on eligible items.