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Submit a Review

Share your thoughts with other customers by submitting a written or video review.

Important: Before you can post a review, you need to have an account that has successfully been charged for the purchase of a physical or digital item. Free digital downloads don't qualify. You don't need to have purchased the product you're reviewing. There's a 48-hour waiting period after your first physical order has been completely dispatched, or your digital item has been purchased, before you'll be able to submit your review. If you've purchased a digital gift for someone else, the 48-hour waiting period doesn't begin until the gift has been redeemed.
To submit a review:
  1. Go to the product detail page for the item on
  2. Click Write a customer review in the Customer Reviews section.
  3. Rate the item and write your review.
    Note: To post a review, you must enter a title and type at least 20 words in the review.
  4. Click Submit.
To upload a video, or if you prefer the old review page:
  1. Click the link beside Uploading a video? Looking for the older review page?
  2. In Share your Opinion, select whether you wish to submit a video or written review.
  3. Write or upload your review
    Note: To post a review, you must enter a title and type at least 20 words in the review.
  4. Click Preview your review to make sure your review appears as intended.
  5. Click Publish review to submit.
Note: Submissions that do not follow our review guidelines will not be posted.
Share your thoughts with other customers by submitting a written or video review.