
Alison owen

Helpful votes received on reviews: 95% (20 of 21)
Location: Manchester U.K


Top Reviewer Ranking: 4,092,653 - Total Helpful Votes: 20 of 21
My Sister's Keeper: A Novel (Picoult, Jodi) by Jodi Picoult
14 of 14 people found the following review helpful
I've literally just finished this book and wanted to share how much I've enjoyed reading it. Enjoyed is perhaps the wrong word to choose in relation to such a difficult topic, but it was very hard to put down and I found myself thinking about when I could next get back to it!

I disagree with some of the other reviewers opinions regarding the ending, I think it was perfect, though heart breaking, I actually sobbed! It reflected the title brilliantly and echoed back to several of the themes used throughhout the book, giving a sense of closure and peace to a roller coaster of a read.

On one level the book is a simple story but I found that when Jodi Picoult stepped away… Read more
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
6 of 7 people found the following review helpful
An amazing book. The kind that keeps you turning pages even when you've promised yourself this is the last chapter you'll read before you turn off the light! It is a proper story vividly told. I loved it even though it made me cry. The story flows beautifully and Khaled Hosseini's unpretentious style is simple, and thought provoking. He paints vivid images with his words. I've since bought the book for a few friends, and they've all really enjoyed it too.

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