

Kindle Kat
Top Reviewer Ranking: 1,289
Helpful votes received on reviews: 89% (893 of 1,001)
Location: England

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Top Reviewer Ranking: 1,289 - Total Helpful Votes: 893 of 1001
Eddingtons Nut Chopper by Eddingtons
Eddingtons Nut Chopper by Eddingtons
5.0 out of 5 stars Fantastic., 15 Sep 2013
Excellent for chopping small quantities of nuts for homemade muesli. It is easy to rinse out and ticks all the boxes. Far less trouble than getting out my large mixer or trying to do it by hand. Every home should have one, a gadget you will use and not hide away in a cupboard, never to be seen again.
Arden Grange Tasty Liver Treat Dog Paste 75g 75g by Arden Grange
0 of 1 people found the following review helpful
1.0 out of 5 stars Waste of time, 15 Sep 2013
Saw the product, thought it sounded good. Ordered with some Kong feeders, expecting them to come together as I paid for next day delivery (so the visiting dog would still be with me).
It didn't arrive with the toys, but a couple of days later. I was then charged nearly �3.00 extra for the delivery of this tiny tube advertised at special price of 20p.
Would not consider this again, I expect mashed liver sausage would work just as well.
The Coroner's Lunch: A Dr Siri Murder Mystery (Dr &hellip by Colin Cotterill
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
Gloriously funny detective series, the detective in this case, Dr Siri Paiboun, the Chief Coroner (only coroner!) of communist Laos in the seventies. He is an unwilling coroner, forced into the post at the age of 70 or so, when most of us would have been retired for some years. He is totally unqualified to do autopsies and he has little in the way of equipment to test out any theories that spring to his unorthodox mind. In his endeavours he is helped by a nurse and a Down's Syndrome morgue assistant who worked worked for his predecessor.

He is also helped by what he first thinks are just dreams, but eventually he reluctantly accepts that they are a spiritual force. This aspect… Read more

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