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Cybersexism: Sex, Gender and Power on the Internet

Cybersexism: Sex, Gender and Power on the Internet [Kindle Edition]

Laurie Penny
3.7 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (12 customer reviews)

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Product Description

Product Description

‘The Internet was supposed to be for everyone... Millions found their voices in this brave new online world; it gave unheard masses the space to speak to each other without limits, across borders, both physical and social. It was supposed to liberate us from gender. But as more and more of our daily lives migrated on line, it seemed it did matter if you were a boy or a girl.’

It's a tough time to be a woman on the internet. Over the past two generations, the political map of human relations has been redrawn by feminism and by changes in technology. Together they pose questions about the nature and organisation of society that are deeply challenging to those in power, and in both cases, the backlash is on. In this brave new world, old-style sexism is making itself felt in new and frightening ways.

In Cybersexism, Laurie Penny goes to the dark heart of the matter and asks why threats of rape and violence are being used to try to silence female voices, analyses the structure of online misogyny, and makes a case for real freedom of speech – for everyone.

Laurie Penny’s forthcoming book, Unspeakable Things: Sex, Lies and Revolution, will be published in 2014.

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11 of 12 people found the following review helpful
3.0 out of 5 stars Good points, some limits 23 Aug 2013
By Hello
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This is a subject desperately overdue some serious discussion, and Laurie Penny has long been a pioneer in bringing it to public attention. We need a lot of books like this.

This isn't so much a book as a pamphlet; in length, it's short, and in the research and examples it covers, it's more a basic introduction than an in-depth study. If you've been following the discussion, her examples will be familiar, such as the Sarkeesian case and Ally Fogg's soapbox analogy. In its cases, it works mostly as a compendium of some of the most egregious recent examples and astute recent observerations; useful, but not exhaustive.

Its best feature is probably Penny's epigrammatic style. 'Germaine Greer wrote in "The Female Eunuch" that women had no idea how much men hate them,' she writes. 'Well, now we do.' Penny is a readable and snappy stylist with a knack for putting her finger on the nub of a subject, and this book is no exception.

It does have some limits which I regret, though, and they're mostly to do with the fact that she seems unable or unwilling to separate the issue of cybersexism from the issue of geek identity. Two related issues stand out to me:

1. She begins by stating, importantly, that much of the harassment comes from 'perfectly ordinary men holding down perfectly ordinary jobs' - that cybersexism isn't confined to any 'fringe' but is a problem coming from all walks of life. Later, though, she dedicates a big chunk of time to analysing the nature of 'geek misogyny', going into detail about its origins with a degree of compassion, and insists that 'Geeks aren't just the problem. Geeks are also the solution.' This seems to be rather contradicting her earlier important point that it *isn't* just geeks who are the problem, but sexist men in general.
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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
1.0 out of 5 stars A Great Disapointment 2 Oct 2013
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I'm a big fan of Laurie's work so I was excited to see that she was tackling such an important topic in her new books (there's a second one to come next year)-but unfortunately I feel she's really missed the mark this time around. Despite focusing on sexism online and the changes cyberspace has wrought on gender relations her argument here really hinges on a very old fashioned and largely discredited idea, namely that while female gender roles are culturally created (and therefore can be changed), male gender roles are natural and inalterable.

Laurie argues that online sexism is a result of "geek" men seeking out new spaces online where they can escape the normal social hierarchy where "jocks" rule. These reductive and rather American terms presuppose that there is a natural order - a pecking order of sorts - with jocks at the top and geeks at the bottom, and that it is a refusal on the part of the geek men to accept their place in that hierarchy that causes problems, rather than limiting models of acceptable masculinity.

By attributing online sexism to bitter geeks who were unable to form relationships with women in the real world, and now resent finding them online, Laurie not only relies on some pretty ugly generalisations, she also seems to be blaming natural allies and failing to acknowledge that in 2013 everybody is online -geek, jock or otherwise, and that even those perfect examples of the jock stereotype she puts on a pedestal are capable of being sexists, both on and offline.
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5 of 6 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Cybersexism 10 Sep 2013
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This is a short book but it raises some serious issues for women who use the internet. It also asks questions about what exactly constitutes free speech. Any woman who uses the internet regularly - especially forums, chat rooms and social media will have come across misogyny in one form or another. Even expressing mild opinions about anything leaves you with the feeling that women should be seen and not heard and that the internet is no place for women - we should leave it to the men.

The author asks if we are doing the right thing by overprotecting children - especially girls - from the internet. Are we perhaps perpetuating a situation where abuse of women is acceptable - because it is just banter and if you can't take a joke then you shouldn't be here. But it seems the jokes only go one way - against women.

I found myself agreeing with most of what the author says in this hard hitting book. I have in the past tried to debate issues of interest to women in a calm and rational manner but have received such virulent abuse from men that I have stopped doing so. Maybe I was wrong - maybe we need to fight back and to make sure our views are heard. Currently it is the free speech of women which is being restricted.

Free speech is not about abusing and threatening others and never has been. Fortunately the law agrees but the fight to make ourselves heard and be able to debate subjects without being abused is far from over
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3 of 4 people found the following review helpful
There's never been a better time for a pamphlet like this, when the British media is finally starting to pay some attention to the harassment women face simply for existing on the internet. But in a way, the issues discussed within are familiar ones. As Penny points out throughout the text, the internet's digital nature makes it no less real than "meatspace", and the excesses of online trolls are only notable compared to previous centuries of misogyny because of how visible our actions have become in the digital age.

Any attempt to comprehensively cover the points Penny hits on in her epigrammatic style- witty and wry, but burning with righteous fury- would result in direct quotes running to thousands of words. The short yet wide-ranging text finds room to discuss most of the recent headlines in the fight against sexism online: from Anita Sarkeesian's travails trying to explain that videogames might be a bit sexist, to Caroline Criado-Perez's refusal to accept abuse on Twitter. From how patriarchal society has made women more used to existing in a state of permanent surveillance, to the specific contours of online geek culture and misogyny, Penny weaves personal experience, media analysis and gender theory into a structural critique of how patriarchy operates through the internet. Yet it remains deeply personal throughout; rather than academic distance, Penny aims for inspiring polemic, and succeeds effortlessly.

I anticipate that there will be a contingent of men that will find it difficult to accept the text's skewering of male privilege, who might be tempted to dismiss all this as women needing to learn their place. But take it from another dude- what women tell you about their everyday lives is true. If you have any empathy for the women in your life, and you find yourself wondering how their online experience compares to your own, you owe it to yourself to read this book, and others like it.
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Most Recent Customer Reviews
5.0 out of 5 stars Well worth a read
It's a great little pamphlet - sharp and focused, and very timely. Well worth the few pennies it cost. Buy it!
Published 1 month ago by calum walker
4.0 out of 5 stars Nothing especially new but well written
If you follow blogs and news sites that cover these issues then there is little here that will surprise you. Read more
Published 2 months ago by Inlaid
5.0 out of 5 stars great strength of character
Laurie seems to have met some strange people, I suppose being exposed to the public is always going to be tough. Read more
Published 4 months ago by Mrs Natasha Elsey
2.0 out of 5 stars More hyperbole than evidence
I'm female, a feminist, a clinical psychologist, a research scientist and I spend a lot of time online. Read more
Published 4 months ago by Psychologist
4.0 out of 5 stars Cyberfeminism for beginners AND experts
This book is in fact a chapter from Ms Penny's upcoming publication which I believe is due out next year. Read more
Published 6 months ago by TinaP-J
2.0 out of 5 stars interesting but not truly explored the subject
having seen some of the exploits on places such as second life , cybersexism was a bit disapointing rather than an authorative look at the subject it seems more a placing glance... Read more
Published 7 months ago by Amazon Customer
5.0 out of 5 stars Brilliant
OK, I'll start right out by saying I am a HUGE fan of Laurie Penny. Her writing in New Statesman, the Guardian & the Independent has genuinely changed my worldview over the couple... Read more
Published 7 months ago by Matt
4.0 out of 5 stars Nearly essential, short, easy reading.
Laurie Penny has produced an insightful, thought-provoking petit-treatise on online conduct, its origins and methods, specifically in relation to misogyny. Read more
Published 8 months ago by Big Goth Bob
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