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Item Availability

When In-Stock Items are Dispatched
Meaning of Availability Estimates
Reserving the Item for Your Order
Purchase Limits
Availability Estimate Definitions

When In-Stock Items are dispatched

Dispatch time depends on the delivery options you've chosen and how many items are on the order. Here are some specifics:

  • I want it to be dispatched on the same day ordered: Some items offer One-Day, Express and Evening Delivery options. If you select one of these delivery options, your item(s) will be dispatched soon after you order them if the ordering deadline has been met. Otherwise, they'll be dispatched the next business day.
  • I want it to be dispatched within 24 to 48 hours: Most orders for in-stock items dispatched via First Class Delivery will leave our fulfilment centres within this period.
  • I'd like my order to dispatch soon, but want fewer deliveries: If you choose the Delivery Preference "Group my items into as few deliveries as possible," in-stock items on your order may be delayed in being dispatched whilst we wait for other items to become available. If you want in-stock items on multiple-item orders to be dispatched sooner, you can change your Delivery Preference to "I want my items faster. Dispatch items as they become available.", but this can result in higher delivery costs.

Meaning of Availability Estimates

The availability estimate listed on each product detail page tells you if we have at least one of the items you wish to order in one of our fulfilment centres. If the item is not in stock, the availability estimate tells you how long we think it will take to get the item from our suppliers.

Availability and Delivery Estimates

While an item's availability is calculated into your Estimated Delivery Date, the availability estimate is not how long it will take you to receive an item. Please see our Calculating Delivery Dates Help page for more information.

Orders for Multiple Items

Our availability estimates are for single-copy orders only. If you're ordering more than one of a single item, here are some factors that may influence dispatch time:

  • Multiple copies of the same item may not be available.
  • Orders for multiple copies of a single item could be dispatched from different locations in separate shipments because we spread our inventory across our network.
  • Larger orders take longer to prepare and dispatch.

Reserving an Item for Your Order

Placing an item in your shopping basket doesn't hold the item for you. An item is only reserved for your order after you click the Place your order button and receive e-mail confirmation that we've received your order.

Popular items can sell out quickly. It's possible for you to see a message that an item is available on the product detail page, but discover it is sold out by the time you place your order.

Purchase Limits

We strive to provide customers with great prices, and sometimes that means we limit quantity to ensure that the majority of customers have an opportunity to order products that have very low prices or a limited supply. We may also adjust your quantity in checkout to reflect your recent purchases of a quantity-limited item.

Availability Estimate Definitions

Here's a list of availability estimates you may see while shopping on These estimates apply only to items sold and shipped by If the availability of an item changes after you place your order, we'll send you an e-mail.

  • In Stock: The item is available; we expect to prepare it for dispatch within a few hours to a few days. Be sure to check Your Account for the latest delivery estimate.
  • In Stock but may require up to two additional days to deliver: The item is available in at least one fulfilment centre, and we expect to prepare it for dispatch within a day to a few days. Be sure to check Your Account for the latest delivery estimate.
  • Any other specific length of time (3-4 days, 3-5 weeks, 1-2 months): The item will take this amount of time to receive from the supplier, pack and prepare for dispatch.
  • Available for Pre-order: The latest release date information that we have for the item will be displayed on the product detail page. If you want to pre-order the item, we will dispatch it once the release date passes and the item is made available to us from the supplier. Note on Imports: Pre-order items imported from another country may take longer to dispatch once the release date has passed. For example, we estimate that pre-order items imported from the United States will dispatch 7 days after the release date.
  • Temporarily Out of Stock: The item is currently not in stock but it is available for ordering. If you place an order, we will send you an e-mail with the expected delivery date as soon as we have that information from our suppliers. It is also possible that you could order the item (new or used) from a Seller on Look for the "More Buying Choices" link on the product detail page.
  • Currently Unavailable: This item is currently not available for ordering.

Availability FAQs

Why did the delivery date change?
Why didn't you send the items which are in stock?
Could you send me a similar item which is in stock instead?
If I change the delivery address or the delivery method of my order will the availability date change?

Why did the delivery date change?

As the availability and dispatch times listed on our website are estimates based on information we receive from our suppliers, this detail is subject to change and can add time to your order. We will keep you informed of any changes to your delivery date.

Why didn't you send the items, which are in stock?

We base this on the delivery preference you choose at checkout. If you select "Group my items into as few deliveries as possible”, we will send your items together when they are all in stock.

If you wish to receive any items earlier, you can change your delivery preference to "Dispatch my items as they become available" (at extra cost). Instructions on how to change your delivery preference can be found here.

Alternatively, simply cancel the item that is delaying your order and order it again separately.

Could you send me a similar item that is in stock instead?

As our system is not configured to process the exchange of items on order, we invite you instead to cancel items that have limited availability and to place a new order.

If I change the delivery method or address of my order, will the availability date change?

Making a change to your delivery address or the delivery method will not change the availability of your item, but it may affect the estimated delivery date. As long as your order has not entered the dispatch process, it is possible to make these changes.