Top Reviewer Ranking: 2,640
Helpful votes received on reviews: 92% (694 of 757)


Top Reviewer Ranking: 2,640 - Total Helpful Votes: 694 of 757
Need for Speed: The Run (PS3) by Electronic Arts
Need for Speed: The Run (PS3) by Electronic Arts
0 of 2 people found the following review helpful
2.0 out of 5 stars Woeful, 7 Jan 2012
I'm glad to say I rented this instead of buying it. The hype leading up to its release was understandable, with the pedigree of the NFS name speaking before it and the concept of a coast-to-coast race was mouth watering.

All aspects of the game are so badly implemented, however, and the title is completely ruined by errors that could have been avoided. To start, the main story. Best part of three hours to complete, with respect to retailers, how they can justify charging 40GBP for NFS The Run is mystifying.

Similar to the Modern Warfare games with a short story, there are 'Challenge Series' events, recycling the maps and completing more races. These are of mixed… Read more
My Fitness Coach: Cardio Workout (Wii) by Ubisoft
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful
I'm not into the gym but wanted to do something to keep me fit. I enjoyed doing the boxing on Wii Fit, and after reading what this workout was about, decided to buy it. All I can say is, personally, its the best �12 I have ever spent. From being a bit of a couch potato, I now have to do this workout every day. After every workout, I sweat more and feel that I have worked parts of my body, that I never knew existed! I love the fact that its all based about boxing and also find it comes in handy, as a good way of releasing all your built up stress and frustration through the day. I have to admit, after a workout, I also find that I feel much calmer in myself. I have recommended it to friends… Read more
My Fitness Coach: Dance Workout (Wii) by Ubisoft
0 of 1 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars GREAT!, 30 Dec 2011
purchased this after reading the positive reviews. I was looking for a dance fitness game and this one's brilliant! Lots of different workouts to do and you can have a fitness plan tailor made for you which you follow for a week or longer.Ther's lots of little rewards to keep you going like a new outfit for your avatar or for your fitness trainer as well as new dance routines and backgrounds.
Ive been doing this for two weeks now and I really feel much fitter. I find it much more motivating than wii fit and more addictive too!
I would highly recommend this game to anyone who wants to feel fitter quickly. 5 STARS!