G. J. Weeks

In the garden where I can enjoy Virginian weed
Top Reviewer Ranking: 3,451
Helpful votes received on reviews: 70% (2,106 of 3,009)
Location: London
In My Own Words:
An English retired pharmacist from London whose main hobby is quotations.My name in a search finds my url of quotes. My passion is the Christian faith so my book is the Bible, my movie, Devil's Advocate. My peeves, political correctness plus people with mobile(cell) phones but no manners.
A month off would be spent revisiting old haunts in Nigeria or driving across America.I am a father of four, g… Read more



Top Reviewer Ranking: 3,451 - Total Helpful Votes: 2106 of 3009
How an Economy Grows and Why It Crashes: Two Tales&hellip by Peter D. Schiff
5.0 out of 5 stars Apt allegory, 16 Oct 2012
Believing that government has a duty to give us sound money and prevent that legalised theft called inflation I enjoyed this cleverly told tale of the folly that is Keynsian economics. Here is the Austrian school for dummies. In an era when our government loves to print money and call it quantitive easing not inflation, we need the message of this book as we continue to speed to an even bigger crash than the last one. One interesting but undeveloped theme in the book is that universal suffrage could be held to blame for our parlous economic state.
A Star Called Henry by Roddy Doyle
A Star Called Henry by Roddy Doyle
0 of 1 people found the following review helpful
1.0 out of 5 stars Shooting star, 16 Oct 2012
A murderously violent hero is not one to endear him to the reader unless I suppose you share his brand of Irish republicanism. We do not seem to be given the historic context which produced such nationalism, only the outworkings of it. But as the author tells us that the 1916 captured rebels were jeered by the Dublin populace, I think I am not alone in my dislike of how Henry fought.
The Blood-Dimmed Tide (John Madden Mystery Trilogy&hellip by Rennie Airth
4.0 out of 5 stars Back in time, 1 Oct 2012
The author captures the 1932 setting in Home Counties England quite well. It is another world with very different attitudes and makes an interesting setting for this story of a serial killer. I found it an average tale, not exactly a gripping page turner but a reasonable leisure read.

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