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Destination Europe

Dreaming of a better future

DW reporters interview migrants about their journey and life in Europe

Video Stills aus der Reihe Destination Europe
Zulieferer: Caroline Surmann
15 Rückkehrer Kenia.

Return to Kenya

Bild: von Hatem Ferjani
wofür: Projekt Destination Europe
wann: September 2011
Wo: Düsseldorf
Bild: Chamselassil Ayari

Germany - The successful lawyer

Video Stills aus der Reihe Destination Europe
Zulieferer: Caroline Surmann
13 Illegaler Paris.

France -To have a good life

Video Stills aus der Reihe Destination Europe
Zulieferer: Caroline Surmann
12 Asylbewerber Deutschland.

Germany - Life on hold

Video Stills aus der Reihe Destination Europe
Zulieferer: Caroline Surmann
11 Neuankömmling Spanien.

Spain - High risk, no reward

Video Stills aus der Reihe Destination Europe
Zulieferer: Caroline Surmann
10 Studentin Cambridge.

Great Britain - Education matters

Video Stills aus der Reihe Destination Europe
Zulieferer: Caroline Surmann
05 Überfahrt Senegal.

Senegal - Death at sea

Video Stills aus der Reihe Destination Europe
Zulieferer: Caroline Surmann
07 Rücküberweisung Belgien.

Belgium - Cash redemptions

Video Stills aus der Reihe Destination Europe
Zulieferer: Caroline Surmann
09 Prostituierte Amsterdam.

Netherlands - "I do it for the money"

Video Stills aus der Reihe Destination Europe
Zulieferer: Caroline Surmann
04 Flüchtling Köln.

Germany - Sporting chance

Learning by ear

Listen to all episodes of our Destination Europe audionovela

Destination Europe

What drives young Africans to search for a new life in Europe? How do they get there? And do their dreams come true? The 15-part "Destination Europe" series goes inside the real lives of African migrants and follows them from the moment they decide to leave their home to their experiences in Europe.


Destination Europe – Grafik 4
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