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Digital Life

Read more on social media, Internet and smartphones from Germany, Europe and beyond.

  • Ein Mitarbeiter der Firma Parrot SA kontrolliert eine Drohne während einer Präsentation in Tokio (Foto: dpa)

    The incessant drone of drones

    Something in the air

    The Quadrocopter is made by a Paris-based company. The device, which is controlled using a smartphone, is battery operated and has two cameras. The images can be viewed on the screen of your phone. So, you could use it to spy on your neighbors - but that would be illegal. Or, for games.

  • Ein sogenannter Octocopter - eine Drohne zur 3D Modellierung von Bäumen - fliegt während eines Infobesuches des sächsischen Minister für Umwelt und Landwirtschaft über das Freigelände der TU Dresden (Foto: dpa)

    The incessant drone of drones

    Modeling trees

    Forestry researchers at the Technical University of Dresden use drones to study treetops. The aerial devices let them create 3D models of trees. It's even got the local environment ministry interested. It goes to show that this isn't your everyday technology.

  • The incessant drone of drones

    The mommy drone

    Researchers in Munich and Bologna are also looking to drones to help them with wildlife conservation. They want to train small ibis birds, using drones, as a replacement for their mothers if they become separated - so as to ensure their survival.

  • The incessant drone of drones

    Origin of drones

    The word "drone" comes from an Indo-European word, meaning buzz or hum. Originally, manmade bees, bumblebees, hornets, or wasps were described as drones. A drone can fly and has large, powerful compound eyes, and it carries no weapons - it doesn't sting.

  • The incessant drone of drones

    The little helper

    Fire departments in Germany have been using drones for some years now - like this one in Marlishausen, Thuringia. They use drones to search for people, using infrared cameras. They can also fly into dangerous areas and deliver images from there.

  • The incessant drone of drones

    From a safe distance

    This is the burnt out shell of a fertilizer plant in Krefeld. It was impossible for experts to enter it even two days after the event because it was too dangerous. But they used a drone to gather initial evidence on the cause of the fire. It was most likely a technical defect on a conveyor belt.

  • The incessant drone of drones

    In radioactive zones

    After the nuclear meltdown at Fukushima, Japan, following an earthquake and tsunami in March 2011, drones flew into the radioactive area. They were able to capture detailed images of the damage. But people were also sent into the plant despite the potential risks.

  • The incessant drone of drones

    Indian prototype

    There is also research on unmanned aerial vehicles in India. Different aviation and defense organizations are testing a mini-drone near Bangalore. Authorities want to use drones to gather images of conditions in trouble spots.

  • Die Projektmitarbeiter Tobias Simon (r) und Jan Römisch machen auf dem Campus der Technischen Universität Ilmenau einen Sensortestflug mit einem Quadrocopter (Foto: dpa/lth)

    The incessant drone of drones

    Millions invested

    The technology is being further developed at various universities in Germany. In Ilmenau, researchers are working on building an autonomous quadrocopter that could repair mobile networks that go down. More than 6.5 million euros has been set aside for the project.

  • Air Force Mitarbeiter bereiten das Verladen der Deep Drone 8000 vor (Foto: dpa)

    The incessant drone of drones

    Drone takes a dive

    Not all drones fly - the definition covers a range of unmanned vehicles. Take the Deep Drone 8000: the US Navy developed this drone for use in marine rescue. It can go as deep as 2,500 meters.

  • The incessant drone of drones

    Anti-drone protest

    Despite their growing use by civilians - there is a movement against the use of military drones. Critics say they are instruments of surveillance and destruction. Hundreds of people, some with homemade models of drones, protested recently in front of the German parliament.

    Author: Klaus Jansen / csc | Editor : Zulfikar Abbany