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  • LBE-Produktion in Nairobi (Foto: M. Meier/DW )

    Learning by Ear's first radio soap

    Learning by Ear's new stars

    DW's educational series for Africa "Learning By Ear" (LbE) is breaking new ground. For the first time since it was launched five years ago, LbE is branching out into radio soap. The story revolves around Mercy and her friendship with two boys. Wanjiku Mwaura (center) plays the lead in the English language version which went into production in April.

  • LBE-Produktion in Nairobi. (Foto: Copyright: M.Meier/DW )

    Learning by Ear's first radio soap

    Radio soap

    LbE's first soap will run initially for 52 episodes in response to popular demand. Previous LbE radio programs were features or drama productions in ten installments. The new soap will be called "Crossroads Generation" and follows the ups and downs of young people from a variety of backgrounds.

  • LBE-Produktion in Nairobi. (Foto: Copyright: M.Meier/DW )

    Learning by Ear's first radio soap

    Stories in six languages

    DW technician Götz Bürki doesn't only keep a close eye on the recording levels, he also listens critically to how the actors are interpreting their lines. He has been working on LbE productions in Africa since they first started. LbE radio plays have been produced in six languages since 2008 - Amharic, Hausa, French, Kiswahili, Portuguese and English.

  • LBE-Produktion in Nairobi (Foto: M.Meier/DW)

    Learning by Ear's first radio soap

    Child trafficking: one topic among many

    Krysteen Savane plays Mercy's aunt in "Crossroads Generation." Mercy's parents have entrusted her with the care of their two sons, because they can't afford to look after them themselves. But Aunt Lena sells them to a mine in a neighboring country as child laborers. Child labor was the topic of the winning entry for a story competition in 2012 in which LbE listeners were invited to participate.

  • LBE-Produktion in Nairobi. (Foto: Copyright: M.Meier/DW )

    Learning by Ear's first radio soap

    Watch "Learning by Ear"

    Visual elements are another LbE innovation this year. In a personal video diary, two main characters will share their feelings, thoughts and impressions with listeners. The first of these video blogs will feature Dan (Joseph Mitambo, left) and will be available online. Facebook users can post their comments and discuss the series.

  • LBE-Produktion in Nairobi. (Foto: Copyright: M.Meier/DW )

    Learning by Ear's first radio soap

    From mother to grandmother

    Mercy's father (Fanuel Odera) takes a number of wrong decisions on behalf of his family. Mercy's mother is played by Mercy Chege. She is used to taking on the maternal role, but this time she is a grandmother as well - for the very first time!

  • LBE-Produktion in Nairobi. (Foto: Copyright: M.Meier/DW )

    Learning by Ear's first radio soap

    A multi-skilled writer in the studio

    James Muhando (left) has two jobs during this year's LbE production in Nairobi. He is responsible for contacts with the acting community in the Kenyan capital and helps those chosen for a part in Crossroads Generation rehearse their lines. As a writer, he also penned half of the episodes.

    Author: Maja Braun / mc | Editor : Asumpta Lattus

Learning by Ear

A look behind the scenes