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Full episode 13.06.13 | 21:30 - 22:00 UTC

People and Politics - The Political Magazine

Full episode

People and Politics - The Political Magazine

Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) besucht am 06.06.2013 einen Hochwasserschwerpunkt an einem Deich aus Sandsäcken in Bitterfeld-Wolfen (Sachsen-Anhalt). Foto: Jan Woitas/dpa

Everybody's Chancellor - Angela Merkel's Election Promises

Payload launch missile used in national missile defense test, drawing, partial graphic

Missile Defense System in Decline - Doubts About the MEADS Project

US President Barack Obama makes a statement to reporters on the Affordable Care Act at Fairmont Hotel in San Jose, California, on June 7, 2013. AFP PHOTO/Jewel Samad (Photo credit should read JEWEL SAMAD/AFP/Getty Images)

Visit From the White House - Barack Obama in Berlin

01.2012 DW People and Politics Taking Germany's Pulse

Taking Germany's Pulse:

On this week's show: Chancellor Angela Merkel and her election pledges / Future of MEADS in doubt / Visit from the White House / The East German uprising of 1953


Everybody's Chancellor - Angela Merkel's Election Promises

With her re-election campaign is well underway, the German Chancellor has pledged to increase public spending, with proposals that include raising benefits for families and working mothers and capping rent increases. Even her junior coalition partners, the pro-business Free Democrats, are skeptical - let alone the opposition.

Missile Defense System in Decline - Doubts About the MEADS Project

After German Defense Minister Thomas de Maiziere announced the cancellation of Germany's drone project, the next debacle is looming. Development of the state-of-the art, multinational Medium Extended Air Defense System (MEADS) program has already cost 950 million euros, but there are growing doubts about the system's performance.

Visit From the White House - Barack Obama in Berlin

Almost exactly 50 years to the day since John. F. Kennedy's legendary visit, US President Barack Obama will be making his first official visit to Berlin. But is the much-trumpeted trans-Atlantic alliance still alive and well?

Taking Germany's Pulse:

Which country is set to become Germany's main partner?

June 17, 1953 - Uprising in East Germany

Soviet tanks, burning houses, angry demonstrators - in 1953, images of the East German uprising that took place in Berlin circulated around the world. The unrest also spread to the rest of the country - in Görlitz, Saxony, the people even stormed the town hall, occupying it for several hours.