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Current edition 01.06.13 | 00:30 - 01:00 UTC

PopXport - Special: Electronic and Dance Music


Previous edition

25.05.13 | 00:30 - 01:00 UTC

Current edition

01.06.13 | 00:30 - 01:00 UTC

Upcoming edition

15.06.13 | 00:30 - 01:00 UTC


Enter and Win

To celebrate the launch of "PopXport Special" we are giving away this iPad. Write to popxport@dw.de and tell us your opinion about the show. Everyone who participates will automatically be entered to win.

Closing date: 28 June. All decisions are final. Good luck!


The picture quiz of the German Music Magazine

In the edition of PopXport of May 25th we showed a music video and asked you a question about a visual detail. The question was:

What does the man take out of his pocket?

a) compass

b) binoculars

c) sextant

The winner gets CDs from the Neon Dogs, the Beatsteaks, Tim Bendzko and Laing. Please send your answer to popxport@dw.de.

The right answer to our quiz from May 18th, 2013 was c) lightsaber. Congratulations to Siv Chun-Ly from Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam!

PopXport Archive

The Scorpions are bidding farewell to their fans.

The documentary film tells the story of a legend.