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  • Ein US-amerikanischer Kampfjet (Bild: dpa)

    Flops, failures and fumbles - a tale of German defense projects

    Faster, farther, higher

    That’s usually the goal of big defense projects - also in Germany. But the Euro Hawk drone was not the first case where high aspirations went into a tailspin. Many projects have been too expensive or simply didn't work. From a submarine that wasn’t fit for saltwater to a fighter jet that just kept crashing - here we've collected a few examples.

  • Schützenpanzer HS-30 1965 der Bundeswehr (Bild: Bundesarchiv)

    Flops, failures and fumbles - a tale of German defense projects

    Miniature armored personnel carriers

    The armed personnel carrier HS 30 kicked off the series of German defense project failures. In the mid-1950s, German Defense Minister Franz Josef Strauss ordered several thousand - after having seen a wooden model. They turned out to be too narrow, with chains that were too weak and an inadequate cooling system. For soldiers, disembarking from the moving vehicle was a life-threatening event.

  • Ein Marinesoldat betrachtet einen Starfighter F-104 G im Gegenlicht auf dem Gelände des Marinestützpunktes in Kiel-Holtenau. (Bild: dpa)

    Flops, failures and fumbles - a tale of German defense projects

    Starfighter: a suicide mission

    The next big failure had far graver consequences. In 1958, Strauss equipped Germany's air force with Lockheed F-104 Starfighters. Of 916 aircraft, 269 crashed. By 1984 a total of 116 Starfighter pilots died - hence the jets were dubbed "widow makers." The Federal Court of Auditors accused Strauss of wasting billions of Deutschmarks. There were also allegations of corruption.

  • Unterseeboot (U-Boot) der Klasse 205 beim Abtauchen. (Bild: Bundesarchiv)

    Flops, failures and fumbles - a tale of German defense projects

    Submarines allergic to sea water

    The first post-war German Type 201 submarines were supposed to be the most modern of their size. But cracks were found in their exterior walls soon after their first use: The steel didn’t withstand seawater. That glitch was fixed in the next generation, the Type 205 submarines. Fortunately, this model could dive deep underwater without the risk of dissolving.

  • Mit einem militärischen Appell wird die Korvette Braunschweig feierlich in Dienst gestellt. (Bild: dpa/lmv)

    Flops, failures and fumbles - a tale of German defense projects

    200 million for a mishap-ship

    The series of mishaps for the German Navy continued with battleship "Korvette 130" - which is still not completely functional. Since its inauguration in 2008, there have been a number of unwelcome surprises: loose screws, mold growths, clutch problems and unsuitable armaments are but a few of the deficiencies. Correction work is scheduled to be finished by 2014.

  • Gerhard Schröder mit Eurofighter

    Flops, failures and fumbles - a tale of German defense projects

    Eurofighter, the tale of a cost driver

    In 2003, German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder proudly climbed into the cockpit of a Eurofighter, the most expensive army/air force project up to that point. But one combat jet crashed in a test flight; the steering mechanism had failed. In 2010, ejection seats failed, and all 55 Eurofighters were grounded. In the end, the price of the jet skyrocketed from 50 million euros to 90 million euros.

  • Bundeswehrsoldaten verladen einen Kampfhubschrauber 
Tiger am Flughafen Leipzig/Halle in ein Großraum-Transportflugzeug (Bild: dpa)

    Flops, failures and fumbles - a tale of German defense projects

    The 'Tiger' wouldn't roar

    The "Tiger" combat helicopter also started operation later - and at a much higher cost - than initially planned. Army officers said it was unsuitable for combat in Afghanistan, as its armaments, they realized, were insufficient to defend on-the-ground soldiers against attackers. The Tiger was therefore downgraded to a support helicopter rather than a combat helicopter.

  • Airbus A400M - Foto: Holger Hollemann (dpa)

    Flops, failures and fumbles - a tale of German defense projects

    Prestigious project off to rocky start

    Some other current projects are also causing problems. The Airbus A400M is supposed to replace older transport aircraft - above all, the Franco-German Transall - in some European countries. The new Airbus was supposed to be operational a long time go, but a number of technical problems kept postponing its launch. Now, Germany is hoping to receive its A400 aircraft by 2020.

    Author: Jeanette Seiffert / nh | Editor : Conor Dillon

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