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Current edition 10.06.13 | 22:15 - 22:45 UTC

Close up - The Current Affairs Documentary

The Maracanã Stadium - A Legend Lives On

Broadcast times

11.06.13 | 06:15 - 06:45 UTC 11.06.13 | 13:15 - 13:45 UTC 11.06.13 | 17:15 - 17:45 UTC 12.06.13 | 04:15 - 04:45 UTC 12.06.13 | 10:15 - 10:45 UTC


Previous edition

03.06.13 | 22:15 - 22:45 UTC

Current edition

10.06.13 | 22:15 - 22:45 UTC

Upcoming edition

17.06.13 | 22:15 - 22:45 UTC