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Fishermen in a boat on a river (Source: DW)


Stemming the flood in Bangladesh

Faced with climate change, training and new crops help Bangladeshi farmers secure their livelihoods.

Project goal: Helping communities adapt to climate change with the help of new farming methods
Project tools: Training and start-up capital loans
Project scale: 20,000 people in 800 communities
Project volume: 1.5 million euros

Life in Bangladesh is determined by the two largest rivers in South Asia, the Ganges and the Brahmaputra. To local populations, these two waterways are both lifelines and threats. During the rainy season they often flood large parts of the country - and climate change is exacerbating extreme weather. As part of a pilot project to tackle the problem, a village in northern Bangladesh has been made flood-proof. Moreover, a program that uses simple but effective methods ensures that locals' incomes are guaranteed even during the rainy season.

A film by Carl Gierstorfer

Stemming the flood in Bangladesh


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