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Green loans for the climate

Climate protection in Bosnia-Herzegovina is expensive. Low-interest loans aim to change that by encouraging private households and businesses to make their premises more energy efficient.

Project goal: Making insulated windows, economical heating systems and building insulation accessible to individuals
Project type: Local banks receive money from the International Climate Initiative so they can offer loans
Project size: 400 private clients and 18 companies
Project volume: A total of 15 million euros ($19.1 million), of which 9 million ($11.5 million) have already been handed out

When it comes to energy efficiency, Bosnia and Herzegovina has a long way to go. Industries in the Balkan country consume massive amounts of energy, and private customers often can’t afford to think of saving the climate. The need for eco-friendly energy technology is clear, especially in the face of obsolete, rusty industrial facilities. It’s estimated that a single Bosnian manufacturer consumes three times more energy than a German one. But a new plan is using low interest credit to attract investment, while raising awareness about energy efficiency and slashing emissions.

A film by Christoph Kober

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