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User of the Week

“DW is respected as a credible source of information.”

Self-employed, radio fan – to much work? No! At least for Rizkallah – owner of a bakery and ice-cream shop who is constantly working on expanding his technical equipment.

First name: Rizkallah
City / Country: Baabdat / Lebanon
Year of birth: 1960
Occupation: Owner of Azrak Pastry & Ice Cream

I use DW because its services reach worldwide listeners and it is respected as a credible source of information.

I am interested in culture, sci-tech and environment.

What I especially like about DW are the news and the range of information.

My personal experience with DW: Monitoring Radio DW for more than 10 years
(a Monitor is a technical commentator)

My wish for the future is to update my technical equipment to have more radio stations available.


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