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DW Sprachkurse Deutsch Interaktiv Brandingbanner Deutsche Welle, Sprachkurse/Bildungsprogramme, (c) DW Auslandsmarketing 2012, Benutzung nur für Deutschkurse!

Level A1-B1 | German/English

Deutsch Interaktiv

Experience a new dimension of learning! Our free interactive online German course is ideal for both beginners and those who have some previous knowledge of German. The 30-part self-study course covers levels A1 and B1 of the Common European Frame of References for Languages. Authentic videos, slideshows and audio texts convey a vibrant picture of life in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Accompanying worksheets, exercises and tests have been designed to complement your personal study program. The course also includes a grammar chart, a 7,000-word dictionary and a pronunciation guide.



Hier findet ihr eine nach Themen sortierte Übersicht aller Grammatikübungen des interaktiven Online-Sprachkurses.