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DW Sprachkurse Audiotrainer Deutsch Brandingbanner mit Edublog Logo Deutsche Welle, Sprachkurse/Bildungsprogramme, (c) DW Auslandsmarketing 2012, Benutzung nur für Deutschkurse!

Level A1-2 | German/English

Learning German with audio

With our English-German Audio Tutor in 100 lessons you can effectively learn basic vocabulary and improve your pronunciation. The lessons are based on the A1 and A2 level of the Common European Framework Reference and cover diverse vocabulary. The Audiotrainer is a joint cooperation between Deutsche Welle and the Goethe Verlag.

Personal pronouns, family, countries and languages

Nature, hotel, restaurant and complaints

Past tense of modal verbs and imperative

Introduction to the Audiotrainer

You can improve your German anywhere and anytime. All you need is an Mp3 player and a little time.

The Audiotrainer to go – as a podcast

Use our audio for your class or learn by yourself when you’re travelling. Subscribe here to all the Audiotrainer lessons.

Regional transport, taxi and car breakdown