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Full episode 15.10.12 | 22:45 - 23:00 UTC

Shift - Living in the Digital Age

Full episode

Shift - Living in the Digital Age

12.10.2012 DW SHIFT Cyberwar

Cyberwarfare - how likely is it?

12.10.2012 DW SHIFT Bauernhof

Haptics on the Farmyard

12.10.2012 DW SHIFT Hundeparkour

Exit: Parkour on paws

On this edition of Shift: Cyber Attacks - Why military forces around the world are bracing for cyber warfare; Why stroking cows is good for you, and on Exit, we meet a terrier traceur.


Cyberwarfare - how likely is it?

Is cyberwarfare a serious threat? When Estonia's digital architecture was hit by cyber attacks in 2007, swamping the websites of the parliament, banks, ministries, newspapers and broadcasters for several days, the country feared for its national security.

What happened in Estonia, along with viruses such as Stuxnet and Flame, indicate that the threat of cyber war is a real one. At the NATO-accredited "Cyber Defense Centre of Excellence” in Tallinn, experts are researching cyber security, defense education, awareness, and training.

Haptics on the Farmyard

Electronic gadgets are increasingly efficient and elegant - but also so smooth that researchers have warned that our sense of touch is being impaired.

A farm in North Rhine Westphalia is offering a service that tackles the problem: city dwellers that spend their days using technology can pay to stroke the animals.

Exit: Parkour on paws

Videos of spectacular parkour exploits have long been Youtube favorites, and the sport has a growing number of agile fans. But these days, they're being outstripped by a four-footed 'traceur'.

Evgeny Elchaninov's American Staffordshire terrier was so good at obeying orders like 'sit!' that he started thinking up more challenging instructions. Evgeny from Ukraine has turned his dog TreT into a YouTube sensation, with over 8 million people watching videos featuring parcour on paws.