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Talking Germany

How do you rate Talking Germany?

Here's just a selection of views and comment that we were very pleased to receive!

Wendy Carol Antoniadis, Greece
Your artist guest Jim Avignon was lovely and inspiring and his work mind expanding. I liked what he had to say, but poor is not a happy situation; middle class seems more comefortable.

Dewi Barnas, Indonesia

I’m an avid viewer of your show. I’m Indonesian national who has lived in Seoul, South Korea for 5 years now. As an auslander (or waegukin as they call it here) in this Korea, I have so many concerns and complains about living in Korea as an Asian foreigner who gets very much different treatment to the counterpart Caucasian foreigner.
Anyhow, I learned German in high school and have always dreamed of living in Germany and your show has been giving me a lot of useful information about it. Nevertheless Merkel’s statement a few years ago that multiculturalism has failed in Germany – as a matter of fact, multiculturalism hasn’t been much of a success anywhere in the world – but Talking Germany has really has been giving me much sense of Germany and multiculturalism in Germany. At times, your show is simply informative and taught me an array of new information.

Stefan Eberle, USA

I'm following Talking Germany since a few years now and I'm a big fan of it. The extension to 45min did benefit the show a lot as it gives more depth to the conversations.

Christopher Wardell, UK

I have just discovered your TV show, Talking Germany, and I must say that it's very enjoyable. I often visit Germany and I sometimes perform over there with my ska band, The G Men, and it's fantastic that I am able to watch Peter Craven interview German actors, musicians, artists and entertainers on television here in England. Please, keep up the good work, and I look forward to the next episode.

Sonja Wiebicke, Canada
I enjoyed watching your program with F.C. Gundlach. The discussion regarding telling one's story and how there is a generation of Germans still traumatized by WWII touched me. I see it in my parents and their friends who are all around the same age as Gundlach. There are many stories of atrocities that have been swept under the carpet because as Germany was the "enemy", it didn't matter, or so it seems. This injustice has caused enormous pain to my parents, especially my mother who was a refugee from Prussia. Unfortunately, their whole generation, from what I've observed, never really had the opportunity or perhaps the permission to deal with the trauma they suffered. Once the war was over, they just got on with surviving and living a "normal" life but as your program discussed, the trauma and memories are still there. Thank you for having your programming on the internet. I have watched numerous programs and always learn something new. (Talking Germany 03 September 2012)

Madeleine Frankel, USA
I just finished watching your segment with Dietmar Mueller-Elmau, proprietor of Schloss Elmau in Bavaria, and all I can say is "Wow!". What a fascinating, multifaceted man you selected to profile - and how lucky for us! I can't tell you how much I enjoyed this interview. It has to be one of Mr. Craven's best, hands down!

The sheer number of diverse subject matters covered in the short time allotted - from Mr. Mueller-Elmau's background, philosophies, and life experience, as well as the history of the fabulous hotel he owns, to his thoughts about the intersection of individualism and culture, politics, music, yoga, and even attitudes towards pregnant working mothers in Germany - was not only informative and highly entertaining, but quite intriguing, as well. In fact, so much so that I am now adding Schloss Elmau to my bucket list of places and things I wish to experience at least once in my lifetime!

I commend you for the wonderful and constant gift of intellectual stimulation you and DW provide to your viewers.
It is so refreshing to know that there's a refuge amidst the sea of mediocrity that crosses our airwaves these days. (Talking Germany 27 August 2012)

Svetlana Steinson, Finland

I watch DW TV programs very often, I think your programs are informative, entertaining and educative - as a high standard media should be.
I like to watch many programs, and Talking Germany is one of them. When I watch and listen to interesting, wise people who participate in these programs, I always get inspiration for my life from them. Many of your guests are quite exemplary. This evening I was watching the program about Dietmar Müller-Elmau.
And, sorry to say, as to me, because of it your guest has said that "he is just entertaining himself". I presume he considers himself as the center of the world - just according to Copernicus heliocentric system. I did not intend to say that Dietmar Müller-Elmau is just a rich egoistic man, not at all! But maybe his statements look a little bit hard to me. But maybe this statement, this pose is only a mask? maybe it is just a shield, with which he is protecting himself from the life - as we all do, with different "shields", objects, notions and religions? (Talking Germany 27 August 2012)

Nodir Karimov, Uzbekistan
As always I liked your show. Your guest Ulrich Matthes was really good and interesting. I liked his answers to the questions. Like your other shows it was really personal and the mood was high. (Talking Germany 9 July 2012)

Rex Dsouza, Indien
The program Talking Germany with Ulrich Matthes brought out the unique personality with interesting view points. It brought the back benched ideas to the fore. The sadness of the Nazi era is to be remembered but it need not torment the present German psyche. It was truly stated in the programme: 'Guilt cannot be inherited. (Talking Germany 9 July 2012)