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DW Akademie in the Middle East

The revolutions in the Arab world are changing the media landscape there. For the general public, satellite TV and the Internet have become important sources of information. Increasingly, countries are reforming their state broadcasters. Some are in the very early stages while others are allowing a private broadcasting sector to emerge.

DW Akademie is using this opportunity to advance the skills of journalists, technicians and media mangers. Support focuses on the production and broadcasting of local, citizen-oriented programming which strengthens civil society. Where possible, DW Akademie also supports independent stations and journalists. Annual conferences such as the Young Media Summit promote communication and networking between media workers in the region and in Germany.

DW Akademie is concentrating on those countries demonstrating a willingness to reform. This currently includes Egypt, the Palestinian territories, Northern Iraq and the Afghanistan/Pakistan region. DW Akademie also cooperates with the Arab States Broadcasting Union (ASBU).

04.2012 Tilman Rascher.
DW-AKADEMIE, Bereichsleiter Nahost/ Nordafrika. DW2_0216. Foto DW/Per Henriksen 30.04.2012

Tilman Rascher

Head of DW Akademie Berlin and Middle East division

T: +49.30.4646.8501
E: Tilman.Rascher(at)dw.de


02.2012 DW Akademie Medienentwicklung Nah-Mittelost Imagebild

Middle East blog

Find out about current projects in the Middle East, journalism tips and progress in media development.