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Full episode 27.09.12 | 21:30 - 22:00 UTC

People and Politics - The Political Magazine

Full episode

People and Politics - The Political Magazine


Keeping Calm - the debate over the controversial Muhammad video


Taking Germany's Pulse


Mishaps, Missteps and Misfortune - NSU investigation reveals more questions than answers


Peer Steinbrück - the SPD candidate


The Eternal Chancellor - The CDU honors Helmut Kohl

In this edition: Keeping Calm - the debate over the controversial Muhammad video | Mishaps, Missteps and Misfortune - NSU investigation reveals more questions than answers | Peer Steinbrück - the SPD candidate | The Eternal Chancellor - The CDU honors Helmut Kohl


Keeping Calm - the debate over the controversial Muhammad video

The Islamic world is in an uproar over a controversial video that appears to insult Muhammad. Once again radical Islamists, sometimes with government backing, are exploiting the unrest for their own ends. For most Muslims, the video may be insulting but is no reason for violence. In Germany Muslims as well as Christians are taking a rather measured approach.

Taking Germany's Pulse

A far-right fringe party has said it wants the controversial Mohammed video to be shown publicly in Germany. Most Germans are against the idea.

Mishaps, Missteps and Misfortune - NSU investigation reveals more questions than answers

How could an alleged neo-Nazi terror cell carry out killings over a 13 year period across Germany without being stopped? Several investigative committees have been asking just that question. The public has been shocked by the bureaucratic blunders that have come to light - including the destruction of files and authorities withholding or failing to pass on information.

Peer Steinbrück - the SPD candidate

The guessing is over. The Social Democrats have decided. The former finance minister Peer Steinbrück will challenge Angela Merkel for the chancellorship in next year's Bundestag election. Steinbrück is popular in Germany but he's a source of division in his own party.

The Eternal Chancellor - The CDU honors Helmut Kohl

He served longer as chancellor than anyone before or after him: Helmut Kohl. Thirty years ago the Christian Democrat moved into the chancellory and from there steered the history of the republic for the next 16 years. Kohl fell out of favor after admitting his involvement in a financial scandal, but now his party is honoring him for his life's work.