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Current edition 18.10.12 | 21:03 - 21:30 UTC

Kick off! Countdown - The Bundesliga Preview

This season is two months old, and no coach has been sacked yet! Last year it took only a few weeks for the first to depart. Has the league become more patient ? Or more merciful? Or simply friendlier? It’s still early days, of course ...

Broadcast times

DW (Asien)

Previous edition /image/0,,15666046_301,00.jpg

11.10.12 | 21:03 - 21:30 UTC

Current edition /image/0,,15666046_301,00.jpg

18.10.12 | 21:03 - 21:30 UTC

Upcoming edition /image/0,,15666046_301,00.jpg

25.10.12 | 21:03 - 21:30 UTC

50 years of Bundesliga

Learn how Germany's soccer league (re)started