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Current edition 24.10.12 | 03:03 - 03:30 UTC

Made in Germany - The Business Magazine

DW (Europe)

Previous edition

17.10.12 | 03:03 - 03:30 UTC

Current edition

24.10.12 | 03:03 - 03:30 UTC

Upcoming edition /image/0,,15666242_301,00.jpg

31.10.12 | 03:03 - 03:30 UTC

  • First shots for our new series

    Start-up Berlin - Behind the Scenes

    First shots for our new series

    Our Reporter Danijel Visevic making an Interview with CEO and founder of plista Dominik Matyka.

  • The Investor

    Start-up Berlin - Behind the Scenes

    The Investor

    Christian Claussen is one of the protagonists in the MADE IN GERMANY series. His company Omnes Capital is invested in the Berlin based Startup plista.

  • After the shot

    Start-up Berlin - Behind the Scenes

    After the shot

    Our Reporters Grit Hofmann and Danijel Visevic sifting the pictures they have shot. Here decisions are made: what part of the material will be edit later?

  • The Start-up

    Start-up Berlin - Behind the Scenes

    The Start-up

    Erik Collinder is responsable for the design of the Vamos App. He is only 20 years old and won several awards.

  • The Founder

    Start-up Berlin - Behind the Scenes

    The Founder

    During the film works at the Brandenburg Gate, Luis-Daniel Alegria is on the phone. Stay tuned - that's the device of Vamos' CEO.

  • On the home stretch

    Start-up Berlin - Behind the Scenes

    On the home stretch

    Some days before being broadcast - our reporters Danijel Visevic and Grit Hofmann are editing the report.

    Author: G. Hofmann/D. Visevic | Editor : Ute Schneider

Made in Germany Archive