PS2 News

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CliffyB has left the house of Unreal and Gears after 20 years, saying he looks forward to a break after growing up from his teens within the business...

One of the most famous Madden fans in the country joins us for an in-depth look at Madden NFL 13. From fantasy drafts to physics engines and Peyton Manning to John Elway, Rich and Gus cover Madden NFL 13 from front to back.

AT&T, Verizon, Time Warner Cable, Comcast, and Cox Communications are all looking to stream AAA titles into your cable box within the next few years, sources claim...

PopCap's cuts, announced last month with 50 leaving its main Seattle office, have extended to the Emerald Isle after several weeks of "exploratory consultation" concluded... 

The musical shooter man is bowing out of games production, at least for now, as Q Entertainment announces Tetsuya Mizuguchi has taken on a spokesperson role for the company...

Microsoft wants you to get up close and personal with its products, as indicated by its patent on a wearable controller. The proposed device picks up electrical signals from muscles and could hint at console control strategies down the line...

The Mega Man co-creator (and Japanese games industry pundit) on how developers need to be empowered and rewarded by their publishers to succeed, and what his new company is doing to help...

The doctors who put the Bio in BioWare are leaving the games industry, the company announced today. After founding the developer in 1995, they plan to pursue their seperate interests in entrepreneurship and beer...

Two ArmA 3 devs were detained by the Greek government for allegedly spying on military installations earlier this month, and DayZ creator Dean "Rocket" Hall is urging gamers to speak up for their speedy release...

CliffyB says Epic Games has no current plans to return to the first-person shooter franchise he co-created, but would love to see open-world exploration in its future... 

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