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4.2 out of 5 stars129
4.2 out of 5 stars
Ultrasport Up-Down Stepper
Price:£35.99+ Free shipping with Amazon Prime
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56 of 58 people found the following review helpful
on 8 March 2011
This stepper is great. I ve had 3 others in the past and all have broken. This stepper is strong and durable. I use it daily for 30 mins and it has transformed my figure and ciruclation.
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45 of 47 people found the following review helpful
on 30 November 2010
For a mini stepper this is great.It has good tension for a good workout.
Very quiet(unlike the V-fit stepper which broke after a week). Also it is
very good value for money even at full price
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5 of 5 people found the following review helpful
on 29 April 2013
my order arrived quickly (within about 2-3 days) and i chose the super saver free delivery option! The up down stepper is easy to use and doesn't take up too much space so i use it in the front room whilst watching tv. a great investment me thinks!
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44 of 49 people found the following review helpful
on 25 October 2010
The packaging was good. The Stepper is very stable and also looks very impressive. Stands firm on the ground and doesn' wobble. It has already paid its way. I use the stepper almost every day, not a squeak or other annoying noise. Full Marks! Recommended.
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4 of 4 people found the following review helpful
on 12 July 2014
It is the most effective exercise equipment I gave ever use. Portable and efficient.I use it whilse I am watching TV alone or with family and burning calories at the same time. Good quality it started making slight noise and I put oil and it stopped. I am thinking of getting another one for work to use on my break.
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3 of 3 people found the following review helpful
on 30 September 2011
Had this stepper for about a month now and all ok so far. Resistance is fine. This will suit someone who is wanting to gradually increase there fitness.
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3 of 3 people found the following review helpful
on 30 March 2013
worth every penny, easy to use and you can feel it working almost straight away on your legs and thighs.
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7 of 8 people found the following review helpful
on 18 April 2012
Although the stepper is well constucted, the hydraulics on it are too strong to allow easy push down on the foot-plates. If you are about average weight i.e. 8.0 - 11 stone, you will have the same problems since there is no adjustment to make the stepper easier to press.
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on 8 September 2015
Great value and as others have said it has a very sturdy and good quality feel. The stepping motion feels very smooth. It has a digital display which switches on automatically when you start stepping, with a timer and a step counter along with a calorie counter which I imagine is inaccurate (as it doesn't take into account weight etc) but is still good for comparison between workouts. It is small enough to put away when not being used but I like to leave it out in the living room most of the time to guilt myself into using it while I'm watching TV. This is the kind of thing you can use for a long time or little and often and either way it's a good step forward for me (pun unintended). Although I bought this for myself my husband has been using it too and loves it.

One thing I'm surprised nobody else has mentioned though is the resistance, which seems a little odd to me. It is extremely high when I start, and I really struggle to push the pedals down (I'm not sure if this is made worse by the fact I'm very short so don't weigh a huge amount). But once I've been going a while it seems to loosen up (maybe as the hydraulic fluid warms up, I'm not quite sure how it works) and I can then step more briskly. The result of this is that the first part of the workout feels more like it's working my thigh muscles but not getting my heart rate going (I'm just moving too slowly), and it takes a while to get to the point where I'm moving fast enough to start getting more or an aerobic workout. I would recommend taking smaller, faster steps while it's "loosening up" rather than trying to push the pedals right down, as this seems to work better for me. Or in my case I wait until my husband has done a few hundred steps and then take my turn, by which point it is all warmed up and I can zoom along :)

Overall I would recommend this stepper and I think it's good quality and good value.
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on 15 August 2015
Delivered a bit late, but was in no hurry.
Large significantly heavy box, contained the stepper - well packaged - plus a manual, allan key, and battery and in my case a detached rubber stopper. Allan key is of no used as there is no assembly - but giving my experience you might subsequently need it!.

Within 100 steps the C-ring washer popped out leaving the stepper un-usable. This washer stops a step from moving horizontally as you step down, one for the left and another for the right step, these are covered by a rubber stoppers - which is for cosmetic purposes only as the C-ring washer is the hard latch to prevent lateral movement.

Being an engineer I set about fixing the problem, only to realise that a special tool is required for re-assembly of the C-ring washer - they are not at all easy to re-fit. I am now in the process of ordering the tool (cheaper than sending the heavy item back).

Very disappointed I re-read the manual and here is a direct quote:-

Never try to stand on the appliance with your full weight body weight! This appliance is not constructed for this purpose."

Needless to say this is exactly what I did - and I suspect many others would do - especially having watched that video of the lady doing exactly this!
I can't imagine anyone operating this appliance whilst sitting down, as those pistons are very stiff when 'cold'.

Frankly I believe I received a 'returned product', clues being the detached rubber stopper and some marks on the top of the step shoe., but that would be speculation on my part.

Overall the appliance does seem solid, but I do wonder about the use of C-rings to prevent lateral movement. Till I repair the appliance I would not advise anyone more than 92Kg - ~15 stone - to purchase this product as clearly it is going to be used standing up and the weight of the person will determine the pressure, and perhaps wear, on the C-rings.

Felt good while it lasted!

Updated: 12/09/15

Fixed the C-ring, turned out the other C-ring needed doing as well - clearly an oversight on assembly. However now that this has been done the Stepper works very well. Stepper is very handy for rainy days and can be stored quite conveniently. Not sure about the display - works fine but not much use when using the device - as I use an Egg-Timer. Found short periods of usage to be highly efficient workouts.

Changed Rating from 1 to 4 stars.
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