Assignment 4: Reception History

Sample Entries:

Here are some entries you might want to look at as examples of successfully completed fourth assignments:

Help Documentation

by Tom Kane and John Unsworth


For this assignment, you need to thoroughly research published reaction to the book you have chosen (bear in mind that not all influential reviews will have appeared in print media). Remember, an itemized list of all the sources consulted, with indication of their usefulness for your assignment, needs to be submitted to -unsworth, at no later than midnight on the day the assignment is due. On the basis of that research, you need to provide:

If there are indirect responses to the work (such as parodies), you should describe those as well.

Your reception history will be divided into two sections: contemporary and subsequent. "Contemporary" means within five years of the book's publication; subsequent means more than five years after the publication of the book.

Responses to the movie version of your book (if one exists) do not count as subsequent reception, though reviews of the film may contain retrospective or comparative assessments of the novel.

Important Caveats:

  1. You yourself are not supposed to be reviewing the book in this section. Our interest here is not in whether you think the book is good or bad, but in what people said about it when it was published, and what it's fate has been since then. Resist the impulse to become a reviewer.

  2. Remember to keep a list of all sources consulted, with an indication of their usefulness for your assignment. Useful sources should be listed at the end of your entry; the entire list (useful and useless) needs to be submitted to the instructor when the assignment is turned in.

  3. Document each of the works cited in your entry, as part of your entry itself. The reception history may be the sigle most useful assignment in your entry, as far as your future readers are concerned, but it will be useless if those readers cannot find the sources you are summarizing and quoting.

Format for citations:

Use the form of citation described in the MLA Handbook, available in the reference room (or the bookstore).

Reference Tools:

From the Library Resources link of the course website, you will find a list of sources that you can use in research for this assignment.

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