Assembly to examine 2012 stadium deal and riot regeneration funding


The London Assembly’s Economy, Culture and Sport (ECS) Committee will next week hold back-to-back public sessions focusing on the future of the Olympic Stadium and the regeneration of London’s riot-hit town centres.

From 10am - The Olympic Stadium deal
The Committee will look at the decisions that led to the collapse of the West Ham deal and the implications for the long term legacy of the stadium. The guests will be: 

  • Baroness Margaret Ford, Chair, Olympic Park Legacy Company
  • Andrew Altman, Chief Executive, Olympic Park Legacy Company

Ahead of the meeting, Dee Doocey AM, Chair of the ECS Committee said,

“Six years after London won the bid and we seem to be back to square one, with no agreement on who will take over the stadium after the Games.

“The collapse of the West Ham deal risks significant delay and potential cost. We want to know what went wrong and what the consequences will be for the OPLC - and ultimately - the taxpayer.”

From approx 11am - Riot regeneration funding

Members will focus on how money made available to help regenerate London’s riot-hit town centres will be spent.

The Mayor has provided £50m for regeneration projects in town centres affected by the disturbances, with the Government providing £20m specifically for Tottenham and Croydon. A further £40m could be available as part of the Mayor’s ongoing Outer London Fund.

In October, the Mayor announced the creation of two taskforces led by property developer Sir Stuart Lipton and Julian Metcalfe, the founder of Pret A Manger, to lead regeneration work in Croydon and Tottenham.

Members will question the following guests about how the money will be distributed and what kind of project will have the most impact:

  • Sir Peter Rogers, the Mayor’s Adviser on Regeneration, Growth and Enterprise
  • Fiona Fletcher-Smith, Executive Director of Development & Environment, GLA

The meeting will take place on Tuesday, 8 November from 10am in Committee Room 5 at City Hall (The Queen’s Walk, London SE1). Media and members of the public are invited to attend.

The meeting can also be viewed via webcast.


Notes to Editors

  1. The ECS Committee published a report on the future of the Olympic Stadium in September 2010 and is currently working on an investigation into the future of the other Olympic Park venues.
  2. Full agenda papers.
  3. The Chair of the ECS Committee, Dee Doocey AM, is available for interview.  See contact details below.
  4. As well as investigating issues that matter to Londoners, the London Assembly acts as a check and a balance on the Mayor.

For media enquiries, please contact Alastair Cowan on 020 7983 4504.  For out of hours media enquiries, call 020 7983 4000 and ask for the London Assembly duty press officerNon-media enquiries should be directed to the Public Liaison Unit on 020 7983 4100.