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Madden NFL 12 is the biggest name in the bunch this week – no competition there – but iPad owners should be particularly psyched about the recent slate of hugely impressive original offerings. Jetpack Joyride (from Fruit Ninja developer Halfbrick) in particular is a pitch-perfect, one-touch action game that keeps things frantic and exciting for hours, while Contre Jour provides a very different feel: a nuanced and relaxing...

By Chris Antista posted 1 day, 2 hours ago

Can’t be in LA for the biggest multiplayer party ever thrown? Well there’s still time, man! Okay, assuming you can’t hop on a plane on a moment’s notice, we’ve got you covered. In our exclusive little photo gallery we'll show you the whole shebang from end to end. From the recreated IRL Burgertown and Scrapyard paintball course, to the FOUR HUNDRED or so Xbox 360s running one of the most anticipated games of the decade, your chance to see everything Call of Duty XP has on display is only a click away…

By Chris Antista posted 1 day, 15 hours ago

Goodbyes are never easy, but at least we made it funny...

So what’s the real story behind the recently announced delay of Twisted Metal? It’s actually got nothing do with adding additional features or modes. It’s all about polish and playtesting – key components in a game that’ll live or die based on how perfectly tuned it is. 

By Mitch Dyer posted 2 days, 18 hours ago

Jesus Christ, you guys. This isn't even the holiday season, and look at how many games are coming out. This is unreasonable. Publishers can't realistically expect to make money in September, can they? Ah, hell, who are we kidding? We're gonna buy almost every friggin' one of these releases before claiming bankruptcy. Just in time for October's similarly unfair set of releases to overwhelm us all over again. Well, until then…

By Michael Grimm posted 2 days, 19 hours ago

I could harp on about the original Deus Ex, how great it was, its legacy and all that, but I already did that in my review. Instead I’ll focus on what makes Deus Ex: Human Revolution this month’s winner. DX:HR lets you figure out how you want to play the game, a huge departure from the endless hand-holding corridor slogs that compose a frighteningly large portion of the current gaming landscape. There’s a lot of stuff in DX:HR you won’t see on your first time through, and the way the story shifts and secrets get revealed according to how you play will bring you back again and again.

Standing in front of a giant Mass Effect 3 graphic at the BioWare booth at PAX Prime, Jennifer Hale seems out of place. In a sea of mostly young male gamers with eyes glazed over from either standing in line or staring at screens most of the weekend, Hale looks bright eyed and exudes excitement at being surrounded by, in her own words, “my people”...

In a low-gravity, non-atmospheric environment, zombies should be less threatening, slower, and easier to kill, right? In theory, maybe. But zombie anatomy research is an under-funded and often ridiculed branch of science, so there’s plenty we don’t know. In this final Black Ops DLC pack, the undead are taking the fight to the moon, and they’re as hungry for brains as we’ve ever seen. We’ve got this massive lunar level covered as well as quick walkthroughs of the four “re-mastered” zombie maps. So put on your space helmet, grab your assault rifle, and get ready to kill some freakin’ space zombies! 

By Chris Antista posted 4 days, 23 hours ago

I know the Penny Arcade boys intended their bi-annual shindig to be the all-inclusive public extravaganza of the year, but my media-credentialed ass looks forward to this wonderful event more and more each year. It would seem other do too, because outside of the exiled booth babes, PAX is starting to resemble E3 and Comic-Con more each year. See what I mean as Brett and I take you on a tour you through the most welcoming and courteous gala in all Gamedom. We’ll whisk you from one end of the convention showfloor to the other, pointing out booth highlights and interviewing cosplayers all the while.

Deathmatch. Capture the Flag. Domination. Team… those things. These words have made up a familiar vocabulary for multiplayer games over the past 15 years or so, and they’ve been standard in nearly every game that’s allowed one player to shoot at another. These days, however, “standard” is seldom enough, and this year it seems like every other big fall release wants to reinvent, deepen or otherwise put its own unique spin on competitive and co-op play.

Some of those spins are more interesting than others, and they’re resulting in a fall lineup that – in spite of being composed largely of sequels – is doing enough big, unusual things with multiplayer to make even the most steadfast solo gamers take interest. And now that another annual 24-hour marathon is safely behind us, it seems like as good a time as any to take a look at the unique stuff that lies ahead...

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