Q My husband's ex just emailed him (he is away, in the war) asking him to identify videos he wants and she will pay to have them made into a new DVD. The videos were taken when the kids were under the ages of 6 and 8 - they are now 16 and 18 - and this was to be his birthday present. I think it is odd for the ex to orchestrate the creation of a video of old family movies that will clearly include all of them. Four years ago at his birthday, she created a scrapbook with old pictures of the boys and him.  

Donna Erickson
Wrap up summer with the joy of reading and storytelling.  
Pioneer Press: John Doman
For decades, the pedestrian and bike path along East River Parkway (aka East River Road) has been a popular route enjoyed by many, including college students, area residents and their guests.  


Everyday Cheapskate: Reader finds fulfillment in face of unemployment

Several weeks ago in this column, I asked my readers: "What would you do if you knew you could not fail? What's holding you back from doing it?" My conclusion is that for most of us, it's fear, time, money or perhaps all three.  


SFH: Sure, there's a lot to do, but make time for real play

I could sit in my screen porch with a glass of wine at the end of a sunshiny, blue-sky summer weekend and revel in the tidy gardens that edge my back yard. I'd stretch my legs with exhaustion after spending the entire weekend weeding, mulching, planting and creating precise, neatly edged flower beds.