The game's afoot, and everyone who walks is a winner

It's summer, people. Shut down the laptop. Get off the couch. Let's go volks-wanderung!  

Pioneer Press: John Doman
Ah, a walk in Central Park. No need to pack and call the airlines, it's not that Central Park. It's Roseville's Central Park.  

Q Although my ex was granted visitation years ago, he rarely sees our son, who's now 6. Dad pops in for a day or two and then decides to show up again in a year. My son adores his father, but I'm afraid his on-again, off-again approach to parenting is hurting our child. Father's Day is coming up, and it's one of those holidays that my son gets a call from his dad. Maybe - you never know. Because of that, if his dad does call and wants to see his son, I'm thinking about preventing him from doing so. He has never paid child support. What do you think?  

Pioneer Press

Everyone talks about food, but no one wants to drive more than necessary. That's why the best restaurants are the ones closest to home. Here are three that have been catering to their neighborhoods for years.  


"Is it yummy?" Our aggressively friendly server asked the same question each time she delivered a dish to our table at Gather Bistro. She also told us every ingredient in every dish and explained the process of blanching when all I wanted to do was order and eat. Calm down, I told myself, the place is new and the staff is enthusiastic about the food.  



Everyday Cheapskate: What to do - and not do - when adversity comes our way

Life is uncertain. Yet we can be sure that sooner or later we will confront a moment when everything comes to a halt, time is frozen, as a hideous event takes place - a devastating loss, a traumatic development, a massive and deep wound in life.