Jacob Nunley

Helpful votes received on reviews: 76% (31 of 41)
Location: Louisville, KY USA


New Reviewer Rank: 107,730 - Total Helpful Votes: 31 of 41
Classic Reviewer Rank: 209,992
Smallville: The Complete Series
28 of 38 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars Where is the Blu-ray?, April 29, 2011
Warner Bros. needs to release seasons 1-5 on Blu-ray. Then I will buy the complete series. They have gone back and released Supernatural on Blu-ray and the quality of those discs are amazing.
Supernatural: The Complete First Season [Blu-ray] <b>Blu-ray</b> ~ Jared Padalecki
I just bought the first season of Supernatural on Blu-ray today. I've only watched the first two episodes but the transfer to HD is beautiful. The artwork is well thought out and Warner Bros. did not just throw together something, they took their time.

I am excited about watching the rest of this season but am disappointed in the fact that Warner Bros. has not yet released season two on Blu-ray.
The Jamie Foxx Film Collection <b>DVD</b> ~ Jamie Foxx
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars The Jamie Foxx Film Collection, February 24, 2010
This film collection is one of the few better collections I've seen out. It comes in two seperate cases, one thick outer box, and one folded inner box. There are 8 discs in total for the 4 movies in the collection. Two of the movies are editions you cannot get outside of this collection. Universal Pictures did not lack on the special features either. Here is what you get:

Disc 1: Ray - Special Limited Editiion
Disc 2: Ray - Bonus Material
Disc 3: Ray - Bonus Disc
Disc 4: Miami Vice - Director's Cut
Disc 5: The Kingdom - Deluxe Edition
Disc 6: The Kingdom - Bonus Material
Disc 7: Jarhead - Deluxe Edition
Disc 8: Jarhead - Bonus Material… Read more
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