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Secondary school programs

Our curriculum-based programs allow students to engage with the Library's collections through exhibitions, tours and workshops.

All programs are run by the education team and held at the Library. Programs complement the VELS and Australian curriculum and many are supported by online education resources.

The education team also delivers regional programs such as Travelling Treasures.

The Centre for Youth Literature runs additional programs throughout the year.

Teachers can take school groups on self-guided visits to the Library, but bookings still need to be made.


Programs are held at the Library and are available from 10am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

All programs must be pre-booked.

Library orientation tour

The Library orientation tour is an ideal way for students to engage with the impressive spaces, collections, services and history of the Library.

'Look!' exhibition and Library highlights tour

Students will explore the world of picture books through the 'Look!' exhibition and Library highlights tour.

'The changing face of Victoria' exhibition tour

During 'The changing face of Victoria' exhibition tour students will develop an understanding of the arrival of European settlers in Victoria and the Aboriginal people who preceded them.

'Mirror of the world' exhibition tour

The 'Mirror of the world' exhibition tour gives students the opportunity to view historical examples of writing such as a cuneiform tablet and early printed works.

Research skills workshop

The Research skills workshop will teach students essential research skills applicable to all subject areas.

'Look!' picture this: workshop

Students will view the Look! exhibition before making a collaborative picture book using various materials in the 'Look!' picture this: workshop.

Medieval calligraphy workshop

After visiting the Mirror of the world exhibition, students will make their own illuminated manuscript page as part of the Medieval calligraphy workshop.

Melbourne: the early days

Students will see historic artwork and discover characters and events central to the birth of Melbourne in Melbourne: the early days.

Contesting Kelly

In Contesting Kelly students will analyse primary sources related to Ned Kelly and decide whether he was a hero or a villain.

The Hoddle Waddle

The Hoddle Waddle is a self-guided tour of the CBD during which students use teamwork and problem-solving skills to navigate the city, find clues and discover locations.

Kelly quest

During the Kelly quest, students will discover the story of Ned Kelly and his gang by visiting the Victoria Police Museum, the State Library of Victoria and the Old Melbourne Gaol.

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