Q: There's a Ranwood title that I'm looking for that's not listed on this web site?

A: All currently available titles can be seen in the catalog section on this site. Just click on the word "catalog" at the top of the page. If you cannot find the one you're looking for, please send an email to info@ranwoodrecords.com. Your input is greatly appreciated.

Q: Will Lawrence Welk videos soon be available on DVD?

A: The release of Lawrence Welk "God Bless America" will be the first DVD released on Ranwood. Keep checking back to find out when more titles will be released on DVD.

Q: I just placed an online order and I have a question about my order?

A: Please call 800-597-6647 between 9 AM & 6 PM PST and a representative will be glad to answer your question.

Q: I adjusted the quantity in my shopping cart and the total remained the same?

A: Click the "Recalculate" button to see your new total.


All Contents Copyright © 2003 Ranwood Records, A Welk Music Group company