Editor's note: This is an SFGate.com In The Mission Blog. These blog posts are not written or edited by SFGate or the San Francisco Chronicle. The authors are solely responsible for the content.

Living on, Inside Other People

UCSF medical student Joe Hernandez was one of the approximately ten patients a year at SF General who donate their organs to other people.

UCSF medical student Joe Hernandez was one of the approximately ten patients a year at SF General who donate their organs to other people.

Mission Loc@l

By Heather Smith

Joe Hernandez was in his fourth year of medical school, at UCSF. He had plans to go into one of the least lucrative branches of medicine there is: primary care.

Then he ran into some misfortune. Last week the thirty year-old wound up at SF General - the hospital that he had just finished training at - in critical condition. A brawl broke out at a nightclub downtown, and when police arrived they found several people with minor injuries, and Hernandez unconscious on the floor with a head injury consistent with having been struck on the head with a blunt object.

"I was one of his teachers," says Andre Campbell, M.D., a trauma surgeon at General. "He really was an outstanding student. It's a tragedy. But in the midst of all that, what an amazing thing that his family did."


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Posted By: Mission Loc@l (Email, Twitter, Facebook) | January 20 2011 at 04:43 PM

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