Local delivery service cleans up after cats

Peninsula cat owners who are squeamish about cleaning out the litter box have reason to rejoice! Bay Area business owners, Rick and Paulette Nava of DoodyCalls have officially extended their pet poop-removal business to include cats.

DoodyCalls co-owners Rick and Paulette Nava pick up where pets

DoodyCalls co-owners Rick and Paulette Nava pick up where pets "drop" off.

It's a savvy move considering that pet cats outnumber pet dogs by more than 10 million, according to the 2007 U.S. Pet Ownership and Demographics Sourcebook.

The new DoodyCalls "Complete Litter Box Service" means Peninsula cat owners can now wash their hands of the whole "kitty litter clean up" business, including lugging bags of litter around.

The Litter Box Service includes clean and disinfected litter boxes and fresh kitty litter delivered straight to your door. Similar to the company's residential service for dogs, there's no need to wait for the "technicians" to arrive or for them to set foot inside a client's home. The used boxes (which come with a secure lid) can simply be left outside on the day of service and, voila! So long cat poop!

According to the DoodyCalls website, "clients generally like weekly service," which seems, um, like you would have a really ripe litter box on your hands. But the company will schedule pickups as often as their clients wish. (The monthly fee, averaging about $16 per visit, varies based on the type of litter and frequency and number of litter boxes cleaned.) DoodyCalls will also provide cat owners with a small container full of fresh litter so they can top off the box as needed.

"Nearly 62% of households own a pet, and NONE enjoy picking up after them," says Paulette Nava. "When nature calls, we answer."

Learn more here.

Posted By: Amelia Glynn (Email, Facebook) | January 18 2011 at 05:39 PM

Listed Under: Cats