Comedy, Drama, Romance, 116 minutes, Rated PG-13

Read Chronicle Review »

In his first film since 2004's Spanglish, writer-director-producer James L. Brooks tells of a softball player (Reese Witherspoon) torn between a nice-guy corporate exec (Paul Rudd) and a narcissistic pitcher (Owen Wilson). They're all adorable, but the movie is talky and dour, with few laughs and an airless lack of spontaneity. With Jack Nicholson. -- A. Biancolli, SF Chronicle

Showtimes for:

Alameda County

(4:30), 10:00 PM

Marin County

(2:20), 7:35 PM

Santa Clara County

(1:15), 6:40 PM
(1:00), 7:00 PM

All times are 'PM' unless otherwise noted.
Bargain matinee showtimes are designated by (parentheses).

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Critical Consensus

  1. The Social Network - 9.5
  2. The King's Speech - 8.8
  3. Inside Job - 8.7
  4. 127 Hours - 8.7
  5. Marwencol - 8.6
  6. True Grit - 8.6
  7. Black Swan - 8.2
  8. Waste Land - 8.0
  9. Budrus - 7.9
  10. The Temptation of St. Tony - 7.8

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Box Office Top Ten

  1. The Green Hornet - $34
  2. The Dilemma - $174
  3. True Grit - $112
  4. The King's Speech - $9
  5. Black Swan - $81
  6. Little Fockers - $71
  7. Tron: Legacy - $56
  8. Yogi Bear - $53
  9. The Fighter - $51
  10. Season of the Witch - $45
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