Stuff your pet ruined

Having a pet can sometimes mean involuntarily parting ways with your most prized material possessions, be it your fancy new phone, favorite "it" bag, designer specs or rare, vintage modern sofa.

Luckily, my pup Alice has been a super star student when it comes to her crate training and has developed a love affair with antler chews rather than my new heels (although she did devour my succulent garden). But I know there are plenty of over-the-top, "my-pet-ate-the-[blank]" destruction stories out there just waiting to be told.

Several of you recently complained that there weren't enough "naughty" picks in our recent "Naughty-or-Nice" pet photo contest. So this is your chance to show off your pets' absolute worst. Post pics of the action or aftermath here in our new "Stuff My Pet Ruined" gallery and tell your tales of woe in the comments.

A fried of mine who adopted a pooch last summer from a shelter in Durham, North Carolina shared this photo, which is definitely worth a thousand words:

Posted By: Amelia Glynn (Email, Facebook) | January 17 2011 at 12:33 PM

Listed Under: Pet Stories