A Golden night

A Golden night

Natalie Portman won Best Actress, but it was the night for "Social Network" and "Glee" at the 2011 Golden Globes. List of winners | Red carpet pics | After-party pics

Finding disagreeable agreeable

Finding disagreeable agreeable

In "Barney's Version," Paul Giamatti relishes the role of an often drunken, disagreeable guy whose behavior becomes aggressive.

A gutsy drama

A gutsy drama

"Another Year" is a gutsy movie by Mike Leigh that says something nobody really wants to believe: There is such a thing as "too late."

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For dialogue

For dialogue

Writer-director Aladag dramatizes "honor killings" in "When We Leave," Germany's foreign language Oscar-submission.

New Flicks

New Flicks

New Flicks

Vince Vaughn stars in "The Dilemma"; director Mike Leigh's "Another Year"; and more.

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Maximum Strength Mick by Mick LaSalle

A Writer's Favorite Question

01.16.11 at 10:39 AM

Today Bob in Pacifica asks, "What was your system for writing your book? Did you reserve so many hours a day...

Recent Posts From Maximum Strength Mick

Random Musings

01.13.11 at 11:41 AM

As We Approach Oscar Season . . .

01.06.11 at 10:54 AM

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Pulls no punches

Pulls no punches

Amy Adams, normally known for her charming roles, plays a formidable character in "The Fighter."

Latest Reviews

'Green Hornet' review: Get the flyswatter

Action. Starring Seth Rogen, Jay Chou and Cameron Diaz. Directed by Michel Gondry. (PG-13. 108 minutes. At Bay Area theaters.) It...

'The Dilemma' review: Weirdly existential

Comedy. Directed by Ron Howard. Starring Vince Vaughn and Kevin James. (PG-13. 118 minutes. At Bay Area theaters.) In the very first...

'The Illusionist' review: Magician's vanishing act

Animation. Directed by Sylvain Chomet. ( PG. 90 minutes in English, French and Gaelic with no subtitles. At Bay Area theaters.) "The...

'Budrus' - film offers glimmer of hope in Mideast

In depicting the use of nonviolent protests by Palestinians and some Israeli supporters in the Occupied Territories, "Budrus" offers a...

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Critical Consensus

  1. The Social Network - 9.5
  2. The King's Speech - 8.8
  3. Inside Job - 8.7
  4. 127 Hours - 8.7
  5. Marwencol - 8.6
  6. True Grit - 8.6
  7. Black Swan - 8.2
  8. Waste Land - 8.0
  9. Budrus - 7.9
  10. The Temptation of St. Tony - 7.8

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Box Office Top Ten

  1. The Green Hornet - $34
  2. The Dilemma - $174
  3. True Grit - $112
  4. The King's Speech - $9
  5. Black Swan - $81
  6. Little Fockers - $71
  7. Tron: Legacy - $56
  8. Yogi Bear - $53
  9. The Fighter - $51
  10. Season of the Witch - $45