
Sharing stories on Tokoni

There's no shortage of places online to tell personal stories. Want to write about your children? Go to a mommy site. Your vacation? Go to travel site. And so on.

Tokoni, a startup that is making a public launch today (although quietly open for a year), is hoping to become a one-stop destination for story telling, so that its users don't have to hopscotch across the Web to share their experiences, read those of others and interact. Think of it as a hub for blogging, without having to create a personal blog.

The site, founded by former longtime eBay executive Alex Kazim and his wife, eBay employee No. 3 Mary Lou Song, offers various genres of writing, from relationships to health to religion. Writers come from all walks of life and vary widely in writing ability.

Tokoni, a Tongan word meaning "help," is funded by several former eBay executives and eBay Inc.

The company is counting on people having the time and inclination to write, even when people already have their personal blogs or routines writing on social network-style sites. The lure, if there is one, is that the site gives users a potentially wider, more receptive audience.

Posted By: Verne Kopytoff (Email) | October 06 2008 at 12:00 AM

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