State of The Poop address ...

Starting early Wednesday morning, you'll be seeing the occasional video/multimedia project on The Poop.

This looks like fun ...

I've been working in my spare time with a very talented videographer, and we're ready to debut our first video. I'm not going to say any more, except that it involves my old paper route, a handheld camera, The Time's "Ice Cream Castles" and duct tape. It's going to be really fun or an epic career-killing disaster. Either way, you'll probably want to check it out.

Writing stories for the San Francisco Chronicle remains my full-time job and priority, so these videos are going to arrive at a trickle. I'm not especially comfortable on camera, I say "Umm" a lot and everything seems to involve about 600 takes.

But it also feels kind of exciting, in a just-joined-the-high school A/V Club kind of way. I have several fun ideas for video series and one-time projects, and I'm looking forward to sharing a few of them as time permits in 2011.

Three more notes about the blog ...

-- I'm going to try my best to organize another The Poop meet-up in the first half of the year. The last one was so much fun it seems ridiculous not to have them once or twice per year. I have a somewhat complicated idea which I might try to execute. If it doesn't work out, I'll figure out something simple. Either way, look for something before summer.

-- I've spoken with colleagues at SFGate about finally updating the blog's banner, bios and links. They've been encouraging me to do it, and I should have time later this month.

-- Sorry I'm so bad about responding to e-mails. I've received many great ideas and nice notes from The Poop readers in the last year, planned to get to them later, and then forgot. I'm going to set aside a little time each week in 2011 to focus on returning e-mails.

We'll celebrate our 5-year anniversary this summer, and I'm going through a bit of a mid-life blog crisis. I feel like shaking things up a little bit and experimenting with some new ways to tell stories. As always, your blunt feedback is appreciated. Thanks for reading and contributing to The Poop and making this such a fun community.

PETER HARTLAUB is the pop culture critic at the San Francisco Chronicle and founder of this parenting blog, which admittedly sometimes has nothing to do with parenting. Follow him on Twitter at Your questions answered on VYou at

Posted By: Peter Hartlaub (Email, Twitter) | January 11 2011 at 04:32 PM

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