Shameless pandering

Five reasons why you should follow me on Twitter ...

Sorry to be a pain, but if you're already on Twitter -- or if you don't mind registering -- I'd really appreciate it if you follow me. I'm at or @peterhartlaub.

I'm sure there are hundreds of reasons why you should follow me. In the spirit of brevity, I'll share the first five that come to my head:

Bad credit? No credit? Follow Peter on Twitter!

Bad credit? No credit? Follow Peter on Twitter!

1. I share an office with Tim Goodman, who has something like 10,000 followers. And this is totally the kind of crap that he lords over me.

2. I am the Internet's leading source of Twitter entries that focus on Paul from the Diamond Center and the movie "Vision Quest." If there is any breaking news about a sequel to the "Credit Man" commercial, you will see it here first.

3. @MCHammer re-tweeted me yesterday. For those who don't know what that means, it's a huge deal in the Twitterverse. It's basically the exact same thing as getting invited by a sitting president to sleep over in the Lincoln Bedroom at the White House.

4. I only link to my stories and blog posts that I think are good, and I have a low opinion of myself. I almost never tweet about the weather or my shopping list. (Unless it's a particularly spectacular shopping list.) Twitter is also a good way to make sure you're not missing any breaking news involving "Star Wars" T-shirts that I like.

5. I'm much more entertaining in 140 characters or less. It's like reading a Poop post, with 98 percent of the bulls--- cut out of it.

Posted By: Peter Hartlaub (Email, Twitter) | September 29 2010 at 03:02 PM

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