The CPS Chronicles

The CPS Chronicles: Abandoning kids at the park

The holidays are upon us, which means we all need the opportunity to take our resentment and bitterness out in a forum that won't result in your sister getting even sloppy-drunker or your uncle knocking over the Christmas tree in a huff. So what better place than our very own parenting blog? Okay folks, put on your righteousness hats (mine is plaid and I wear it at a jaunty angle) and take your corners, because it's on.

No parents? No problem.

No parents? No problem.

The topic: To play or not to play with your kids at the park. See, when I did my recent post on games that don't make me die of boredom and mentioned my stance on park-playing, I almost added, "post on that topic coming soon." Then you all did a little back-and-forth in the comments on it, and I just knew it was meant to be. Let the games begin. And remember, you get 10 points for sweeping the leg and there's no crying in comment-debates.

My stance on the park is simple. I believe that parents shouldn't have to play with kids, that part of the park experience is to allow kids the chance to play with each other or just muck around on the play structure. Parents and other caregivers should feel free to sit on the sidelines, reading a trashy book or gossiping with each other. If you want to play tag or what-have-you with the kids, of course you should feel free. (Oh, I know, generous me.) And obviously the younger ones might not want to be left on the jungle gym alone when they can barely walk. But when I see that knot of kids in the sandbox, and each kid has a parent three inches away, and when one toddler even looks like they might snatch a toy and you can hear the hubbub starting ("No honey, we shaaaare the toys") ... I mean, don't drop your toddler off and go get a beer or anything, but does the kid really need you to act as his or her personal Secret Service detail?

Look, I have five basic principles I just made up I will now use to justify my stance ...

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Posted By: Kelly Mills (Email) | December 03 2008 at 08:12 AM

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The CPS Chronicles: Daddy needs a drink

Conventional wisdom says it's pretty screwed up to teach a young child to fix drinks for you. Personally, I can't wait until my kid is big enough to fetch me a beer from the refrigerator -- and later develops the rudimentary chemistry skills to mix a greyhound.

Daddy thinks it needs more mint leaves.

Chronicle/Lea Suzuki

Daddy thinks it needs more mint leaves.

Some commenters in Mike's recent post on parent party tricks broached the subject, and I respect their differing opinions. I also hope it also goes without saying that families with histories of substance abuse probably shouldn't teach their children to mix anything stronger than Tang.

That being said, I think kids making drinks for parents is one of those things like setting off fireworks, and making cars that break down every six months and get 12 miles to the gallon. We might technically be healthier without these traditions, but they're fundamentally part of what makes us Americans.

One of my fondest childhood memories is mixing drinks for my father, which I would guess started at age 6 or 7. He didn't drink often -- almost always after a long day at work or fixing some stuff around the house. Read More 'The CPS Chronicles: Daddy needs a drink' »

Posted By: Peter Hartlaub (Email, Twitter) | June 11 2007 at 06:20 AM

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The CPS Chronicles: First trip to McDonald's

I took my toddler to McDonald's for the first time on Sunday, which in the politically correct Bay Area falls somewhere between wearing disposable diapers and letting him ride on the roof of the car.

I've been looking forward to this trip, in part because of Mike's nostalgic post about drink glasses but mostly because of my own fond memories of eating fast food as a youngster. Before I discovered girls, Led Zeppelin albums and marijuana (in that order -- all in 1985), my greatest pleasures as a young child were the next "Star Wars" movie and our family's once-a-week trip to Jack in the Box or Taco Bell.

Never mind that I've since come to think of the food as vile, and almost can't stand the smell of the restaurant. I'm aware that fast food is probably going to make my son very happy, it's not going to hurt him in small doses and we can use any addiction he develops to teach him about moderation.

We pulled up to the McDonald's on the corner of Fruitvale Avenue and MacArthur Boulevard in Oakland. While the neighborhood is getting better, it's one of those McDonald's where every other customer has serious diabetes and rolls up to the counter in a Rascal. (How come that fast food demographic never makes it in the commercials?)

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Posted By: Peter Hartlaub (Email, Twitter) | May 29 2007 at 06:11 AM

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